City of Santa Clarita Press Release

All Aboard at Vista Canyon!

All Aboard at Vista Canyon!

By City Manager Ken Striplin

As our community continues to grow, so must our public transportation infrastructure.  That is why the City of Santa Clarita is proud to announce the opening of the Vista Canyon Multi-Modal Center, with service beginning on Monday, October 23. Located on the east-side of the City, this transportation hub will now offer convenient and accessible options for residents living and working in the area, as well as those commuting in or out of our Valley. With multiple transit options, this location will help improve mobility, reduce traffic congestion and work towards a more sustainable future in Santa Clarita.

Officially the fourth Metrolink Station in the City, the Vista Canyon Multi-Modal Center will act as a hub for commuter rail and serve the Southern California Regional Rail Authority Metrolink Antelope Valley line, which runs between Los Angeles Union Station and Lancaster. Additionally, this will be the home of the Bus Transfer Station, which will service our local Santa Clarita Transit buses, as well as GO! Santa Clarita and Dial-a-Ride vehicles. Part of the Santa Clarita 2025 Strategic Plan, this project supports the goal of Enhancing Economic Vitality by expanding transit services to underserved areas.

For our residents and commuters who would like to ride their bicycles to the Multi-Modal Center, you can feel at ease when loading them into one of the 18 bike lockers located on-site. These lockers are fully enclosed to protect your bike from the elements and are easy to use by logging into the Movatic app. Free for the first 12 hours of use, this is a great way for residents to skip the hassle of driving and a safe way to protect their bikes while taking public transportation.  

Also located at the Transit Center is a brand-new permanent art piece. Titled Union at the End of the Tunnel, the art installation is located near the site of a significant event in California history – the “wedding of the rails.” Previously accessible only by ships and wagons, Los Angeles was an isolated outpost due to the surrounding mountain range until the Southern Pacific and Central Pacific Railroad tracks were joined together with a golden spike in September of 1876. This momentous occasion took place just three miles east of the Multi-Modal Center. This civic art piece is inspired by these historical events, noting the considerable contribution of the Chinese laborers that were recruited to work on the 7,000-foot tunnel running through the San Gabriel Mountains connecting the railways between San Francisco and Los Angeles. Using a mix of historic photos and metal tubes that mimic the silhouette of the San Gabriel Mountains and evoke the rhythm of a railroad running across the landscape, this art piece will welcome thousands of residents and visitors.

We are excited to officially open the Vista Canyon Multi-Modal Center to residents and visitors this month. To learn more about the transit options offered at this new location, please visit

Ken Striplin is the City Manager for the City of Santa Clarita and can be reached at

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