
City of Santa Clarita Press Release

New Lock It or Lose It Campaign Launches This Spring


LioLi Offers Effective Theft Relief, One Lock at a Time

In partnership with the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station, the City of Santa Clarita is proud to announce the release of LioLi (LEE-OH-LEE), the new and improved Lock It or Lose It theft prevention system. Inspired by prescription medication commercials and advertisements, this eye-catching campaign stops thefts cold by targeting crimes of opportunity at the source with our patented “Lock It or Lose It” technology. By limiting access to your home or vehicle through the use of special vandal inhibitors, called “locks,” cases of larceny thefts have been known to decrease dramatically. LioLi works best when you lock your doors, hide your valuables under a seat or in the trunk and park in well-lit areas near high foot traffic.

Although the City of Santa Clarita is regularly recognized as one of the safest cities in the nation, Santa Clarita has experienced a recent spike in larceny-theft crimes, as have many communities across the region. The new LioLi safety campaign focuses on educating residents on the importance of locking doors and hiding valuables.

“Many of the larceny incidents that are reported to the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station are preventable,” said Captain Justin Diez. “Residents need to remember to not take our safe City for granted, and remember to lock car doors, never leave valuables in plain sight and park in well-lit areas.”

Keep an eye out for the Lioli campaign coming to a magazine or newspaper near you. There will also be a video component launched later this spring on the City’s and Sheriff’s social media pages.

“Ensuring the safety of our residents and their property is our top priority,” said Mayor Jason Gibbs. “We are proud to partner with the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station to inform residents of the best practices to keep their valuables safe. For a free trial of LioLi, simply lock your doors and keep your valuables out of plain sight.”

To see if LioLi is right for you, please visit

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