
City of Santa Clarita Press Release

Los Angeles Kings to Visit The Cube!




Calling all Los Angeles Kings fans – in coordination with the 2023 We Are All Kings Rink Tour, The Cube – Ice and Entertainment Center | Powered by FivePoint Valencia is excited to host 3-4 current Kings players this Sunday, January 15 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Local ice athletes who are members of the Special Needs Athletes and Peers (SNAP) Hockey Club will get a unique opportunity to work one-one-one with players from the LA Kings. Residents and visitors are encouraged to come out to The Cube and watch this practice.

The “2023 We Are All Kings Rink Tour” showcases the wide range of opportunities within the sport of ice hockey in the Los Angeles area, including for disabled, special needs, female, underserved athletes as well as affordable entry hockey. As partners with the LA Kings, the City of Santa Clarita is proud to offer inclusive and dynamic programming for all residents and visitors at The Cube and honored to provide opportunities like this for our ice athletes.

As a reminder, this practice is for spectators only, there will not be an opportunity for attendees to interact with the athletes. For more information about the practice, or about the SNAP Hockey Club, please visit or call (661) 257-2823. 

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