City of Santa Clarita Press Release

Santa Clarita Public Library Offers Live Incubation Feed


Check Out the Egg-cellent Live Feed!

The Santa Clarita Public Library has been working around the cluck to offer residents, visitors and bird lovers the opportunity to watch chickens incubate, hatch and grow on the “Chick Cam.” Four chicken eggs are currently in the incubator and over the next three weeks, the video will be broadcasted on a live stream to the City’s YouTube channel. The incubator keeps the eggs at a standard temperature and humidity, mimicking the perfect environment for the eggs to hatch. The incubator also rolls the eggs for five seconds every hour. Viewers will be able to watch as the chicks peck their way out of their shells and be transferred into a transparent “brooding box,” where the public can see them grow online or in person in a few weeks.

If you would like to watch virtually, visit the City of Santa Clarita’s YouTube Channel at The entire program was funded by the Lunch at the Library grant from the California State Library to deliver summer reading and learning programs for children and teens, and health and wellness programs for families.

 To learn more about the Chick Cam and other Library programs, follow the Santa Clarita Public Library (@scvpubliclibrary) on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for updates.  

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