City of Santa Clarita Press Release

The City of Santa Clarita to Open Fourth Metrolink Station at the Vista Canyon Multi-Modal Center


The City of Santa Clarita is proud to announce the opening of the Vista Canyon Multi-Modal Center. The ribbon cutting event will take place on Friday, October 20 at 1:00 p.m., inviting residents, commuters and local partnering organizations to officially open the fourth Metrolink station in our City.

The Vista Canyon Multi-Modal Center will serve the Southern California Regional Rail Authority Metrolink Antelope Valley Line, which runs between Lancaster and Los Angeles Union Station. This new stop will help reduce vehicle traffic on local roads and freeways and create higher-quality public transportation service for commuters.

Created with the community in mind, the design of the Vista Canyon Multi-Modal Center ensures safety and convenience for both pedestrians and commuters. State-of-the-art infrastructure has been included throughout the station with a brand-new railroad track, benches, canopies, lighting and a security system. The center houses 18 bike lockers to provide commuters the ease and safety of storing their bikes in a protected space while making vital last-mile connections. Additionally, this will be the home of the bus transfer station, which will serve our local commuter buses like GO! Santa Clarita and Dial-a-Ride.

To bridge history, art and community together, the Vista Canyon Multi-Modal Center features a brand-new permanent art piece titled, Union at the End of the Tunnel. The civic art piece was inspired by the joining of the Southern Pacific and Central Pacific Railroad tracks by a golden spike in 1876, highlighting the considerable contributions made by the Chinese laborers recruited to work on the tunnel connecting San Francisco to Los Angeles. Featuring a mix of historical photos and metal tubes, this art piece mimics the silhouette of the San Gabriel Mountains and evokes the rhythm of the railroad running across the landscape.

The Vista Canyon Multi-Modal Center is part of the Santa Clarita 2020 Strategic Plan and supports the goal of Enhancing Economic Vitality by expanding transit services to underserved areas. Not only will this project benefit the surrounding community, but the City as a whole. To learn more about the new Vista Canyon Multi-Modal Center, please contact Senior Engineer Carla Callahan at

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