City of Santa Clarita Press Release

Next Stop, Vista Canyon!

Next Stop, Vista Canyon! 

By Councilwoman Marsha McLean 

We are closing in on the completion of a project that I have been waiting for since its inception. Tomorrow, we will cut the ribbon and officially welcome commuters and residents alike to the Vista Canyon Multi-Modal Center! Located on the east side of Santa Clarita (27550 Vista Canyon Road, Santa Clarita, 91387) within the Vista Canyon development, this amazing facility will serve as a central hub for residents who work outside of Santa Clarita, as well as those who travel and commute to our thriving City. With its own Metrolink station, bus transfer station and many amenities that revolve around a lively transit-oriented community, I am confident to say that the Vista Canyon Multi-Modal Center will improve Santa Clarita’s quality of life in countless ways.

The train platform officially marks Santa Clarita’s fourth Metrolink station and will serve the Southern California Regional Rail Authority Metrolink Antelope Valley Line, which runs between Lancaster and Los Angeles Union Station. The new train station features a double-track and center platform equipped with beautiful canopies, as well as easily accessible ramps and stairs connected by a pedestrian underpass. The overall architectural design of this innovative facility thoughtfully connects the Metrolink station to the new bus transfer station, the adjacent residential community, offices, retail and the expansive regional trail network.

In proximity to our trails and accessible via bike lanes, the Vista Canyon Multi-Modal Center conveniently accommodates all cyclists who use their bikes to make those first/last-mile connections. Offering 18 on-site lockers accessed only through the Movatic app, you can be assured that your bike will stay safe. Best of all, the first 12 hours of locker usage is completely free! This serves as an excellent solution for residents looking to avoid driving while also ensuring the safety of their bicycles when using public transportation.

The artistic layout of the station transports you back in time. Inspired by the discovery of gold just a few miles from the very location of the Center back in 1842, the entire design depicts California’s heritage of the early gold rush era. As you walk through the breathtaking pedestrian tunnel, take a moment to observe and even feel the texture of the walls. Veins of gold create ribbon-like paths along the walkway, navigating you through the passage and replicating the treasures just waiting to be discovered.

At the very end of the tunnel, just before you reach the station, is the art piece titled The Union at the End of the Tunnel. The magnificent piece of art tells a tale of the “wedding of the rails.” Instrumental in connecting the railways between San Francisco and Los Angeles, were the Chinese laborers who completed the arduous task of constructing a seven-thousand-foot tunnel through the San Gabriel Mountains. The Union at the End of the Tunnel depicts the importance of this period through a collage of historical photos along with metal tubes to symbolize the train tracks. It truly is a sight to see.

The design and overall construction of the Vista Canyon Multi-Modal Center was guided by numerous sustainability principles. Situated in a chaparral biome, the selection of native plants was carefully considered for the ability to thrive on the site. The architects and engineers also prioritized the use of sustainable materials to reduce maintenance costs, especially in terms of saving energy!

The Vista Canyon Multi-Modal Center will offer a variety of transit options, that significantly enhance mobility, alleviate traffic congestion and above all, contribute to Santa Clarita’s journey toward a more sustainable future. We hope you’ll join us at the Ribbon Cutting ceremony tomorrow, October 20 at 1:00 p.m. To learn more about this location and the services it offers, please visit

Councilwoman Marsha McLean is a member of the Santa Clarita City Council and can be reached at

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