City of Santa Clarita Press Release

Tips for a Spooky and Safe Halloween

Tips for a Spooky and Safe Halloween

By City Manager Ken Striplin

Halloween is just a few days away and with a number of spirited and spooky activities, there is something for everyone to enjoy in Santa Clarita. Whether you’re dressing in costume to take the kids trick-or-treating or gathering with friends, family and neighbors for various festivities, it is important to keep safety in mind.

As you prepare to take to the streets to ask for tricks or treats, take a moment to ensure you are keeping yourself and others safe. Streets throughout Santa Clarita will see more foot traffic as parents take their children trick-or-treating in neighborhoods throughout our community. Pedestrians and drivers alike should take a moment to refresh themselves on the “Heads Up” guidelines. To be a successful “Heads Up” driver, be sure to disconnect from distractions by not using (or touching) your phone while driving and waiting to change the radio only when your car is at a full stop. Take extra caution in residential areas by reducing your speed and expecting pedestrians at crosswalks. If you’ll be on foot, you can do your part by crossing at designated crosswalks and making eye contact with drivers as you make your way walking across the street. Please ensure your mobile devices and other distractions are put away while crossing the street, and keep a close eye on any children in the group who might be caught up in all the Halloween excitement. Always remember the fundamentals, “Heads Up”, see and be seen.

Before heading out for a fun night of trick-or-treating, it is important to remind your children of safety tips such as staying close to their group and waiting for adults before crossing the street. Consider adding reflective tape to costumes or giving kids glowsticks to help increase visibility. For those that are old enough to venture out with their friends, set a time they are expected to return home and remind them to always stay together and never enter a stranger’s home.

Make sure to take a moment to discuss with your children the importance of only eating candy that is properly sealed in its official wrapper or container. While your little goblins might be excited about their impressive candy haul, make sure to undergo a complete inspection for any signs of tampering before consumption. Make sure to throw out candy that show signs it was might have been altered, including discoloration of the packaging and holes or rips in the wrapping.

For those attending a party or event that serves alcohol, have a designated driver or utilize one of the many rideshare options that are available. Driving under the influence is not only illegal, but results in life-changing consequences for the residents in our community. Keep in mind that buzzed driving is drunk driving, so be prepared with alternative transportation if you plan on drinking. Have fun, stay safe and drive responsibly.

On this Halloween night, I hope you will take some extra time to put these safety tips into practice so that you and your loved ones can focus on what really matters – creating fun and exciting memories together. 

Ken Striplin is the City Manager for the City of Santa Clarita and can be reached at

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