City of Santa Clarita Press Release

Start the New Year Off Right

Start the New Year Off Right

By Councilmember Jason Gibbs

There’s no better way to start the new year than with a New Year’s resolution. Resolutions help us grow, force us to step out of our comfort zone and allow us to develop healthier habits. The hardest part about a New Year’s resolution is getting started. Often, our fear of change prevents us from trying something new and discourage us from being consistent. This year, I want to make it easier for you to find your resolution and minimize those difficulties by highlighting some of the various activities you can partake in to start the new year right.

One of the most common New Year’s resolutions is to be more active. However, gyms can often be daunting and expensive. If you are looking for an alternate way to exercise, I recommend going for a jog or walk at one of the City’s 37 different parks. Along with a great view, most of our parks have recreation courts or playgrounds that give you various options for achieving your active goals. Another great way to get those steps in is by visiting the ever popular exercise stairs at Central Park. The concrete staircase gives a great view overlooking the newly built-out section of the park.

If you feel more adventurous and want to connect with nature, explore one of our various open spaces and traverse our vast trail system. Visit to see what trails are available throughout the City and which ones you would feel comfortable hiking. While you are there, keep an eye out for the next community hike. Community hikes are a great way for new hikers to get familiar with our trails and meet other residents with similar interests.  

Are you looking to gain a new skill, hobby or find an exciting recreational activity? Check out the City’s Seasons magazine at There, you can find various programs for yourself, your children or for the whole family. For adults looking to play a sport, you can join one of our adult sport leagues, like softball or pickleball. For teens looking to find a new hobby, check out the arts section of the Seasons magazine to enroll in  classes such as acting, drawing or guitar lessons. Take a look at our Community Center classes for children looking for fun new activities, like cake decorating or jewelry making.

If your goal for the new year is to travel more, head over to one of our four Metrolink stations for easy transportation throughout the Los Angeles area. Along with our newly opened Vista Canyon Station, Metrolink is now offering later train schedules to allow you to enjoy a day full of activities. For local travel, visit to find routes to your favorite nearby spots. Santa Clarita Transit also has occasional long-distance routes like the Summer Beach Bus, so be sure to be on the lookout for those. Our City Libraries offer passport services for those of you looking to travel internationally. Visit to schedule an appointment.

Resolutions can be more than just physical commitments and if you are someone who wants to be more outgoing or work on your social skills, you should attend some of our engaging events like the SENSES Block Party, the Cowboy Festival, Concerts in the Park or Celebrate. These events are fun for the whole family and can give you a much-needed break to destress and spend quality time with your loved ones.

Whether your goal is to travel more, be more active or find new hobbies, the new year is an excellent opportunity to challenge yourself to try something new. Resolutions can be daunting and take time to turn into a habit. That’s why you should take advantage of the local opportunities to develop your resolution into an everyday routine.

Jason Gibbs is a member of the Santa Clarita City Council and can be reached at

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