City of Santa Clarita Press Release

City Invites Community Organizations to Apply for Animal Care Grants


The City of Santa Clarita is pleased to announce the launch of the Animal Care Grant Program, a new initiative to provide direct financial assistance to non-profit organizations that serve the City’s animal population. The City Council has allocated $50,000 annually for the Animal Care Grant Program to grow the capacity of community organizations and supplement the services being provided through the Castaic Animal Care Center.

Applications for the 2024 grant cycle are available online at, and must be submitted no later than March 11, 2024. Funding priorities include expanding spay/neuter services and generally supporting the needs of the unhoused animal population. Eligible non-profit organizations may apply for up to $7,500 under the spay/neuter grant category and up to $3,500 under the general support grant category. 

Organizations interested in learning more about the Animal Care Grant Program are invited to a virtual information meeting on Tuesday, January 30, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. This meeting is highly recommended for all non-profit agencies interested in applying for grant funds.  The meeting will include details about the grant program, timeline, funding eligibility and other criteria. Participants will also have time to ask questions and receive answers from City staff. To participate using Zoom, please use Meeting ID: 853 8705 3435 and Passcode: 2392. The direct link to the Zoom Webinar is:

For more information on the City’s Animal Care Grant Program, including eligibility requirements, submission guidelines and more, visit or contact Karine Darabedyan at (661) 286-4034.

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