City of Santa Clarita Press Release

Spring Into Sports in Santa Clarita!

Spring Into Sports in Santa Clarita!

By City Manager Ken Striplin

“Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt.” – John Muir

As the seasons transition and spring begins to warm up our Valley, it’s the perfect time for residents to get outdoors and get active. Living in Southern California gives us the luxury to enjoy outdoor activities year-round, many of which we offer here at the City through our Youth and Adult Sports programming.

For our families with small children and teens – the opportunities are endless! Our Youth Sports Program is filled with classes of every kind. Spring youth leagues include baseball, flag football, volleyball and the newly relaunched girls’ softball league. Each team focuses on the importance of teamwork, practice, respect for each other and just having fun. As a youth sports coach myself, I understand the importance and positive effects sports can have on our children and teens. Whether it is to stay active, make new friends or try a new activity, our Youth Sports programming is a perfect place to start.

This year, we are also offering a variety of clinics including track and field, pickleball and sideline cheer. For our littlest residents, All Sorts of Sports, is designed for children ages three to five years old, exposing them to basketball, flag football and baseball over a six-week period.

A fun and free activity your family can also take part in is Agents of Discovery. This educational mobile application encourages residents to get outdoors and learn about City history and environmental conservation through a fun geo-triggered experience.  The City currently has three missions available out in our open spaces. Visit Haskell Canyon Open Space, Golden Valley Ranch Open Space or Rivendale Ranch at Towsley Canyon for all things Agents of Discovery. While you’re on the trail, enjoy the beautiful views of the mountains while making your best guess as you play fire safety and nature trivia. All you’ll need is to download the free app on your phone and you’re ready to start exploring!

We also have leagues, clinics and tournaments for our adults who like to stay active.  Next week, registration for the spring basketball and volleyball leagues opens, so make sure you grab your friends, family and neighbors to sign-up to be part of one of these popular teams. We also offer two drop-in clinics at Central Park. Join us on Tuesday nights for ultimate frisbee and Wednesday nights for soccer. For our disc golf enthusiasts, be sure to check out the 18-hole course also located at Central Park. With challenging terrain and upgraded equipment, this is sure to be a fun day out in nature.

To kick-off the spring tournament season, join us on March 9 for the Pickleball Tournament at Bouquet Canyon Park, March 17 for the Volleyball Tournament and March 23 for the Basketball Tournament; both located at the Sports Complex.

With many opportunities to stay physically and mentally healthy this spring, I encourage all our residents to browse the City’s Seasons magazine and find a new hobby, sport or activity to try. To learn more about any of the programs or to sign up, please visit

Ken Striplin is the City Manager for the City of Santa Clarita and can be reached at

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