City of Santa Clarita Press Release

**Traffic Advisory** Upcoming Lane Closures on Copper Hill Drive and Rio Norte Drive

Median Modifications to Begin June 24

Part of the federally funded Traffic and Pedestrian Circulation and Safety Improvement Project, construction on Copper Hill Drive at Rio Norte Drive will begin Monday, June 24. Crews will begin the construction of median modifications, paving, grinding and overlay operations which will result in the extension of the existing westbound left-turn lane. This enhancement will allow for more cars to stack in the left-turn lane, moving vehicles out of the through lane and providing more flow during peak hours.

Due to the construction, one through lane going westbound on Copper Hill Drive, between Avenida Rancho Tesoro and Rio Norte Drive will be closed Monday through Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

 Drivers are asked to be aware of the scheduled lane closure and plan their routes accordingly. In addition, traffic signs will be posted to inform motorists of the upcoming lane closures. Residents are asked to reduce their speed through the construction zones.

The City of Santa Clarita thanks community members in advance for their understanding and support of this project. All measures will be taken to ensure the project is completed safely and promptly. For questions or concerns, please contact City of Santa Clarita Engineer Leslie Frazier by email at

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