City of Santa Clarita Press Release

Volunteer for the Third Annual Graffiti Removal Day

Join Our Graffiti Removal Team to Beautify Our Community!

Sign up to volunteer today for the City of Santa Clarita’s 3rd Annual Graffiti Removal Day on Saturday, August 3, from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. at Soledad Canyon Road and Camp Plenty.  Volunteers will get the opportunity to work with our Graffiti Removal Team and beautify our City. Those interested in participating are encouraged to register in advance at, as there is limited space available.

In 2023, the Graffiti Removal Team completed over 13,000 tag removals and nearly 200 beautification projects throughout the City. As of this year, the team has already removed 9,468 tags and 36 beautifications. Since 2015, the Graffiti Removal Team has maintained a 24-hour response rate, 99 percent of the time. As part of the Santa Clarita 2025 Strategic Plan, the Graffiti Removal Team is tasked with administering a robust program to residents that includes education through outreach efforts.

During this event, volunteers will get to learn more about graffiti vandalism, types of removals and will have the unique opportunity to complete a large-scale beautification project in the City. Volunteers will be using different pieces of painting equipment and should wear closed toed shoes in addition to clothing that they do not mind getting paint on. 

Graffiti Removal Day volunteer registration is open to residents ages 15-years-old and above. To register as a volunteer, please visit or contact Gabby Vera at For any other questions or more information on the event, please contact Maria Huerta at

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