City of Santa Clarita Press Release

Together for a Sustainable Santa Clarita

By City Manager Ken Striplin

“The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.” – Lady Bird Johnson

As summer heats up and water use reaches its peak in our City, it’s crucial that we come together to champion environmental responsibility. Discover the latest updates from our Environmental Services team and consider participating in our upcoming eco-friendly events with your friends and family.

To start, let’s consider how we manage our water usage, especially in landscaping. The rising temperatures often mean increased irrigation needs, but let’s remember not to overwater. Overwatering not only drives up our water bills but can also contribute to water pollution. When excess water runs off our properties, it carries harmful pollutants such as pesticides, fertilizers and even motor oil into our storm drains. This runoff eventually finds its way to the Santa Clara River, which plays a vital role in recharging our local groundwater. To combat this preventable issue, let’s ensure we water our gardens and lawns responsibly by making sure sprinklers are only spraying on the landscape and not on the hardscape, only water when necessary and adjust our sprinklers to shorter periods to allow for proper absorption and minimizing runoff.

In addition to mindful watering practices, there are exciting events coming up through our Green Santa Clarita initiative that allow us to make a direct impact on our community’s environmental footprint. Partnering with Burrtec Waste Industries, we’re hosting a free Document Shredding and Textiles Collection Event on Saturday, August 10, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., at the Via Princessa Metrolink Station. Pre-registration is required for this event and can be accessed by visiting or This event not only offers secure document shredding but also marks our first textiles collection effort. Shredded paper will be recycled, and textiles will be sent to a textile company, who will distribute usable items to thrift stores, and non-usable textiles will be recycled, reducing waste and promoting eco-friendly practices within our community. I encourage you to bring your old clothing, towels and bedding for donation or recycling—every bit counts towards a cleaner, greener Santa Clarita.

Looking further ahead, mark your calendars for the 29th Annual River Rally and Environmental Expo on Saturday, September 21, from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m., taking place for the first time near the William S. Hart Pony Baseball and Softball Complex. We invite volunteers of all ages to join in cleaning up our beloved Santa Clara River, one of Southern California’s last natural river systems. Simultaneously, the Environmental Expo offers an opportunity to learn about conservation efforts, recycling initiatives and pollution prevention strategies—knowledge that empowers us all to make informed choices for our environment.

Our mission extends beyond events to provide ongoing education and resources for sustainable living. For the latest updates on programs, events and eco-friendly tips, visit or connect with us on social media @GreenSantaClarita on Facebook or Instagram. Together, let’s continue striving for a cleaner, greener Santa Clarita—one where every action, no matter how small, contributes to a brighter future for generations to come. How will you contribute to our community’s sustainability efforts this summer and beyond?

Ken Striplin is the City Manager for the City of Santa Clarita and can be reached at

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