City of Santa Clarita Press Release

**Traffic Advisory Update** Upcoming Lane Closures on McBean Parkway and Newhall Ranch Road

Median Modifications to Begin on November 13

Beginning Wednesday, November 13, crews will begin the construction of median modifications, paving, grinding and overlay operations along portions of McBean Parkway at Newhall Ranch Road that will add a left turn lane on northbound McBean Parkway, enhancing traffic circulation.  

The following closures will be in place from 8:30 p.m. to 4:30 a.m. on weeknights during construction, and from 8:30 p.m. on Friday, November 15 through 4:30 a.m. on Monday, November 18. The closures will then restart during the weeknights until the anticipated end date on November 22.

Closures include:

  • One southbound through lane on McBean Parkway at Newhall Ranch Road.
  • One left turn lane on northbound McBean Parkway at Newhall Ranch Road.
  • One left turn lane on westbound Newhall Ranch Road at McBean Parkway.

Drivers are asked to be aware of scheduled lane closures and plan their routes accordingly. Traffic signs will be posted to inform motorists of upcoming lane closures. Residents are asked to reduce their speed through the construction zones.

Weather conditions may lead to changes or rescheduling of construction. For the latest updates on the project, please check the City’s social media pages.

The City of Santa Clarita thanks community members in advance for their understanding and support of this project. All measures will be taken to complete the project safely and promptly. For questions or concerns, please contact City of Santa Clarita Engineer Leslie Frazier by email at

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