City of Santa Clarita Press Release

Fourth Year of the SC2025 Strategic Plan

By City Manager Ken Striplin

The new year is just around the corner and with the change of the calendar, we will be in the homestretch of the City’s Strategic Plan – Santa Clarita 2025 (SC2025). Looking back over the past 12 months, we checked off many key action items in this extensive Plan.

Some of the most exciting are taking place at our City parks. David March Park is in the middle of a massive expansion, adding eight-acres to the popular site. The project will add a new baseball field, exercise staircase among other amenities. Over at one of our City’s oldest parks, Old Orchard Park, the playground is getting an upgrade, the basketball court will have a pickleball overlay and a new ADA-compliant restroom are all in the works.

A huge achievement for the City is just around the corner. We are poised to add the historic William S. Hart Park, with its hiking trails, bison herd and museum to the City’s vast park system this summer. Another great amenity coming to our residents is at the Santa Clarita Sports Complex, with construction underway on The Rink Sports Pavilion, a multi-use hub for roller skating, sports and events.

The Copper Hill Bridge Widening project is in the works, expanding the bridge to three lanes in each direction. This developer-led effort includes new sidewalks, traffic signal adjustments, storm drains, curb ramps and lighting, all aimed at improving traffic flow and safety.

The City has also made major strides in addressing homelessness in 2024, with two new facilities. Bridge to Home opened a transitional shelter on Drayton Street, housing 90 individuals and eight families. Family Promise’s Resource Center in Newhall now offers four family units, an emergency unit, and critical support to help families transition into permanent housing.

To combat drug use, the City launched the Parenting for Prevention campaign, equipping parents with tools to discuss drugs with their kids through social media, in-person meetings and a new City podcast.

This year we saw the completion of the Town Center Specific Plan. This Plan sets a visionary framework for the mall area, balancing land uses and incorporating placemaking elements to maintain its status as a regional destination.

The City’s Energy Efficiency project has introduced impactful upgrades at facilities and parks, including irrigation controllers, LED lighting retrofits, solar pool heating, HVAC replacements, sports field lighting and solar canopies. These initiatives enhance sustainability while reducing energy consumption.

Santa Clarita continues to be ranked as one of the safest cities in the nation, thanks to the priority placed on Public Safety. In collaboration with the SCV Sheriff’s Station, 35 Automated License Plate Reader (ALPR) cameras will soon be strategically installed across the City. The cameras will enhance the Sheriff’s station’s crime prevention and response capabilities by enabling rapid detection and intervention of vehicles involved in criminal activity.

All of these amazing projects are possible thanks to the leadership and fiscal responsibility of our City Council. For the fiscal year 2024/25, the City adopted another on-time, balanced budget totaling $342 million. Maintaining healthy reserves and a AAA credit rating ensures the resources needed to meet our SC 2025 goals.

These accomplishments are just a snapshot of the progress made under the Santa Clarita 2025 Strategic Plan. For the full list of action items, visit

Ken Striplin is the City Manager for the City of Santa Clarita and can be reached at

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