City of Santa Clarita Press Release

Recycle Trees After the Holiday Season at Drop-Off Locations Throughout the City

Jingle all the way and recycle right this holiday, Santa Clarita! Burrtec Waste Industries has partnered with the City of Santa Clarita to establish three convenient locations for residents to recycle their live Christmas trees this holiday season. The locations offer residents an additional way to safely and quickly dispose of holiday trees, in addition to utilizing curbside pick-up services.

Beginning Thursday, December 26, 2024, and lasting through Saturday, January 11, 2025, Santa Clarita residents are encouraged to drop off their trees at any of the following locations:

  • Central Park – 27150 Bouquet Canyon Road
  • Newhall Community Center – 22421 Market Street
  • Canyon Country Community Center – 18410 Sierra Highway

Live wreaths and garlands may also be dropped off at the above locations or placed inside curbside green organics carts for pick up on scheduled service days. Before disposing of any of these items, please remove all ornaments, lights and tree stands. Flocked, painted, fireproofed and artificial trees will be accepted, but will not be recycled.

Additionally, single-family residences can place holiday trees at the curb on their regular collection day starting Thursday, December 26, 2024 through Saturday, January 11, 2025 and multi-family property residents can place their trees adjacent to bins within their complex. As in previous years, for trees over 6 feet, please cut in half if possible and place into your green, organics container. Trees left curbside, outside of a green organics container, will be picked up but service may be delayed based on available staffing.

Recycled trees are kept out of landfills and benefit the environment by being repurposed into soil, compost or mulch. Help the City of Santa Clarita in the fight to recycle right this holiday season and recycle your fresh holiday trees, wreaths and garland!

For questions regarding the Holiday Tree Recycling Program, please contact Burrtec at (661) 222-2249 or email the City of Santa Clarita at

Drop-Off Location Flyer

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