City of Santa Clarita Press Release

Santa Clarita Voices Is On Air!

By City Manager Ken Striplin

In today’s fast-paced world, finding the time to stay informed and learn about new subjects can be a challenge; which is why I have always been a huge fan of the ease and flexibility of podcasts whether I’m using my AirPods to listen while exercising, playing through the car while driving or tuning in when relaxing at home. Podcasts provide a unique opportunity to learn about important topics, hear directly from experts and stay engaged with your community, whenever and wherever it fits into your schedule. With so many new projects, programs and initiatives happening in the City of Santa Clarita, I am proud to be the host of Santa Clarita Voices, the official podcast of our incredible City.

Available now with video on Spotify and the City’s YouTube Channel, as well as audio on Apple Podcasts, Santa Clarita Voices features different, unique guests on each episode, and we really dive deep into topics while discussing information you’re not going to find anywhere else.

With two episodes released and our third coming out on Tuesday, February 11, we’ve covered a lot of ground already. Our first episode, released in December of 2024, featured Cameron Smyth as he was finishing his term as Mayor of the City of Santa Clarita. Even though I have been working alongside Cameron for decades, I was not only learning more about his time in the State Assembly and Santa Clarita City Council, but sitting down and talking with him about how far we’ve come as a City.

Captain Justin Diez of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and Chris Najarro, the Executive Director of Bridge to Home, joined me for our second episode, released in January. We shared an engaging conversation that revolved around the current state of homelessness in Santa Clarita, and I was able to learn more about the roles they play in addressing these sensitive topics in our City.

For a sneak peek, our third episode will resonate with anyone who utilizes Santa Clarita’s parks and open spaces. I had the opportunity to have an in-depth conversation with the Director of Neighborhood Services, Jerrid McKenna, from upcoming upgrades at our park sites, to taking on an unprecedented new challenge with the transfer of William S. Hart Park. You’ll hear how the City is preparing to take on historic structures, a barnyard full of animals, a museum and even a herd of bison.

To learn more about Santa Clarita Voices, search for it on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and the City’s YouTube Channel, and don’t forget to like and subscribe to stay informed when a new episode is released. I look forward to welcoming you to the conversation.

Ken Striplin is the City Manager for the City of Santa Clarita and can be reached at

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