City of Santa Clarita Press Release

Residents Invited to Volunteer at the 2025 Neighborhood Cleanup in Celebration of Earth Day on April 19

Pre-registration will be available on March 10, 2025

City of Santa Clarita residents are invited to pre-register for the annual Neighborhood Cleanup (NCU) in celebration of Earth Day taking place on Saturday, April 19, 2025, to join the City in removing litter from local neighborhoods and public spaces. All interested residents are required to pre-register online before the event by visiting

During registration, participants will be prompted to select one of three drive-thru locations to pick up their free supplies from 8:00-11:00 a.m. on the morning of the event including:

  1. Newhall Community Center: 22421 Market Street
  2. Canyon Country Park: 17615 Soledad Canyon Road
  3. The Centre Lower Parking Lot off of Aquatic Center Drive: 20850 Centre Pointe Pkwy

Free cleaning supplies available to registered volunteers at drive-thrus include: garbage bags, gloves and a free bag of mulch, donated by Burrtec. In addition, participants will be offered a one-gallon plant, courtesy of the City’s Urban Forestry division, in celebration of Arbor Day. Mulch and one-gallon plants will be available while supplies last.

After picking up cleaning supplies, volunteers will go to their neighborhoods, paseos, sidewalks and trails to collect trash at their own pace. Participants are invited to post photos on social media, tagging @GreenSantaClarita or using the hashtag #CleanUpSC on Facebook or Instagram. For registration information, visit For any further questions, please contact the City of Santa Clarita’s Environmental Services team at (661) 286-4098 or email For additional volunteer opportunities or to learn about the annual tree planting ceremony on the morning of this event, please visit

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