City of Santa Clarita Press Release

Stimulating the SENSES in Old Town Newhall

By City Manager Ken Striplin

Old Town Newhall has earned its title as Santa Clarita’s Premier Arts and Entertainment District and has also become well-known as a hub for prime dining and shopping. Not only that, it has become the home of one of the most popular and anticipated City events: SENSES Block Party. As you step onto Main Street in Old Town Newhall, the entire block undergoes a complete transformation based on that month’s theme. In year’s past, the streets have become a Renaissance Fair, the ultimate Tailgate party and even a tropical beach – complete with sand! With the goal to stimulate all of your senses, get ready for an immersive block party, featuring live music, dancing, food trucks, themed activities and an on-street bar that’s hosted by local restaurants. Tailored toward adults wanting a night out, or families looking for some community fun, join us on Main Street from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m., on the third Thursday of each month, beginning on March 20. To stay on track with years prior, 2025’s SENSES Block Party lineup continues to be fresh and exciting with innovative themes.

First up on March 20, put your jump shot to the test with Alley-Oop, a basketball-themed SENSES Block Party to kick off the year. Celebrating the excitement around March Madness, attendees can play interactive basketball games, dunk on friends and see who has the best free throw average. Step into a night of nostalgic fun at an Arcade Block Party on April 17, where the flashing lights and button mashing of classic arcade games and pinball machines will take over Main Street. The best part about this arcade: no quarters are required.

Have you ever wanted to feel what it’s like to be in one of your favorite classic spy movies? Dive into the world of espionage on May 15, at Spy Games, a secret agent-themed SENSES Block Party complete with action-packed challenges, missions and mystery. On June 19, whether you’re out with your friends, a longtime partner or someone new, the perfect opportunity to make unforgettable memories will be at Date Night. Featuring all of the best date night activities, such as miniature golf and interactive games, this will be a SENSES to remember.

Along with the complete transformation that comes with each of these themes, each SENSES Block Party is equipped with a different band for you to dance to all night long. Make sure to bring your appetite and grab a bite to eat from one of the many food trucks that are on-site and a drink from the on-street bar.

Make sure you follow the City of Santa Clarita on social media to find out about other upcoming SENSES themes. Until then, we’ll see you on Thursday, March 20, for the Alley-Oop Block Party. For more information about SENSES Block Party, go to

Ken Striplin is the City Manager for the City of Santa Clarita and can be reached at

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