The Building & Safety Team

Permit Specialists

Permit Specialists are available to answer your questions by phone, e-mail, or in-person at the Permit Center located in City Hall. For Permit Center hours and contact information, please access the Building & Safety home page.

Plan Review Group

Our engineers are available to assist you with answers to specific code-related questions, even before your project is formally submitted to the City. We encourage you to contact us early during the preliminary stages of your project. Our staff can provide valuable feedback regarding code requirements and tips on how to successfully navigate the permit process.

Building Inspection Group

City Building Inspectors verify that the construction in the field complies with the approved plans. Our inspection team is staffed with highly experienced professionals who are certified by the International Code Council in all of the building trades.

Administration Group

The Building & Safety administration section is responsible for:

  • Maintaining permanent records of building plans and other documents
  • Scheduling building inspections and assisting customers by phone
  • Fulfilling public records requests for building plans and other documents
  • Reporting construction data to government entities
  • Coordinating public outreach efforts