
Frequently Asked Questions

The City of Santa Clarita Recreation and Community Services Department is committed to making reasonable efforts to ensure that its facilities, programs, and support are accessible by all people, with or without special needs and/or disabilities.

How do I determine if the program I am signing my child up for is the right one for them?

 To ensure success we encourage you to ask and discuss these questions:

  • Can my child be re-directed to participate?
  • Can my child transition from one activity to another?
  • Can my child integrate into an activity or program?
  • Does my child have an interest in this program; the activities being offered?
  • Is the location and environment appropriate for my child?

Who can request support?

  • Any participant of a City of Santa Clarita Recreation & Community Services program can request support.

What is considered a reasonable accommodation?

  • An enhanced staff/participant ratio
  • Participant Information Sheet
  • Adapted Equipment

What are some of the basic requirements when requesting Support?

 Participants requesting Inclusion Support must meet the requirements of the program enrolled. These include:

  • Meeting the age and registration requirements of the program.
  • Ability to maintain safe and controllable behavior.
  • Desire to participate in program. Recreation activities are voluntary in nature. Participation will be encouraged and aided, but not forced.
  • Ability to use a consistent form of communication to indicate basic needs and follow basic instruction.
  • The participant must be able to engage in scheduled activities for the majority of the program time, with or without reasonable accommodation.

Collaboration between parents and staff will be the key to a successful inclusion process. During the initial intake and any subsequent meetings, the level of accommodation will be determined to best meet the needs of the participant.

Support provided may include…

  • Full support: This is when substantial accommodations are required, including additional staff, training for program staff; adaptive equipment and modification(s). This level may require individual behavioral plans.
  • Minimal support: This is when limited accommodations may be required and there is no need for additional staff, but there may be a need for minor modifications and/or adaptive equipment.

What helpful information can I share with Inclusion Support?

Anything that you think may have an effect on you or your child’s ability to participate in the program.  Medical conditions, physical disabilities/mobility impairments, developmental disabilities, or behavioral concerns are all things staff may need to know about.

Why do you request a copy of my child’s IEP (Individualized Education Plan) from school?

School IEP’s often times have recreational goals that help us understand the participant better. The information on an IEP helps us to provide the best inclusive service possible for that participant.

By requesting Recreation Inclusion, I understand that:

  • Inclusion Support is not designed for therapeutic or 1:1 care
  •  Some disabilities can impact an individual’s ability to interact with others, to control emotions, or to judge social and play situations appropriately. If a participant/parent engages in unsafe behavior, then city staff will try to identify various accommodations and strategies to ensure that the behavior does not become disruptive or a safety issue.
  • If my child’s behavior presents clear or imminent risk to themselves or others and reasonable accommodations do not eliminate that risk, the city may be required to un-enroll my child from the program until the behavior is no longer a threat.
  • Safety threats can include but are not limited to:
  • Running away or wandering which creates a safety issue
  • Being physically aggressive towards others or self
  • Gross inappropriate behavior that cannot be mitigated or controlled

What are reasons for suspension, expulsion and/or removal for programs?

  • Verbal or physical harassment of another participant, staff member, or member of the public of any kind.
  •  Bullying or taking unfair advantage of any participant.
  • Possession or usage of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs on the City of Santa Clarita property, or reporting to the program while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • Possession of dangerous or unauthorized materials such as firearms, weapons, or other similar items on City property.
  • Conduct endangering the life, safety, health, or well-being of others.
  • Failure to leave area in the condition in which you found it, including restrooms, gym, hallways, and any other area used – this includes vandalism/graffiti.
  • Failure to follow any Department of Parks, Recreation, and Community Services policy or procedures.

For additional information and/or questions, please email Recreation Inclusion Support at