Youth & Family Resource Links

This listing serves as a valuable tool for those seeking support, connecting individuals with a wide array of services ranging from food assistance and housing support to mental health resources and educational opportunities. Explore the wealth of resources available below and discover the network of support that our community has built to help you thrive.

— Link Disclaimer —

“Links” are provided only as an informational resource. Please note that the site(s) linked to are not maintained by or affiliated with the City of Santa Clarita. Links are provided simply as a community service, and it should not be implied that the City of Santa Clarita recommends, endorses or approves of any of the content at the linked site(s), or any commercial or private issues or products presented there. The City of Santa Clarita cannot make any warranty or representation concerning the content of these sites, or sites from the pages to which they link.

PLEASE NOTE:  Only local non-profit organizations will be added. Links to online search resources, for-profit businesses, or organizations not physically located within Santa Clarita city limits, are not eligible.