
Youth Grove

The Youth Grove features a central monument with the “Know More, No More” vow surrounded by simulated tree stumps that symbolize 119 lives cut short in traffic-related incidents. Names are added every August, before the annual Evening of Remembrance. To include a youth’s name, a parent/guardian needs to complete and sign the release form.

Policy: Fresh cut flowers (only) may be brought and left at the Youth Grove, and these are discarded every Thursday. Candles, artificial flowers, stuffed toys, photos, and other such items are NOT allowed at the site; these will be discarded immediately.

Spread the Message

The City of Santa Clarita utilizes iPods to promote the Youth Grove’s message about safe driving. These iPods, with videos and brief stories about each of the youth represented at the Youth Grove, are available for use at the site.

For information on how to access this program, please call Gabby Vera at (661) 250-3708.

Youth Grove Awards

Award Pictures League of California Cities’ Helen Putnam Award for Excellence –
Enhancing Public Trust, Ethics and Community Involvement

California Park and Recreation Society’s Award of Excellence
Recreation and Community Services Awards
Neighborhood/Community Life


Resources and Links

Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for teens in the U.S. Don’t become a statistic. Don’t drink and drive. Don’t talk on your cell phone and don’t text message while driving. Drive safe, sober, focused, and buckled up. The life you save could be your own or your loved one’s.

PSA Texting While Driving U.K. Ad (Warning: contains graphic content)
Get the Keys: How You Can Intervene

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