Road Rehab

Is my street part of this project?

Street List is now available! Find out by checking to see if your street is on the Slurry Seal and Overlay street listings:

Road Rehab Schedule Map

*Red box* = Slurry Seal

*Blu e box = Overlay

*Construction dates are subject to change. Please pay close attention to hand-delivered notices and road work signs. If you received a handbill or door hanger, but your street is not listed in the map, you may still be affected by construction on adjacent streets.

What are the differences?

Slurry Seal

  • Slurry seal is a maintenance treatment.
  • Construction may take place in multiple phases, extending work on your street across a few weeks.
  • It’s a coating of finely crushed aggregate, asphalt and water applied to roadways to extend their life.


  • Overlay is a rehabilitation treatment.
  • Overlay treatment on a street may be stretched across a few weeks and requires multiple phases.
  • It’s a coating of finely crushed aggregate, asphalt and water applied to roadways after grinding up the old asphalt.

What should I know?

Slurry Seal

  • Residential streets- no street or driveway access once treatment is applied and for the duration of the day.
  • Arterials (main Streets) – access is typically available but limited.
  • On-street parking will be available within reasonable walking distance (approximately 1,000 feet) of construction. Please pay close attention to parking notices, and park accordingly.
  • In most cases, construction will not occur during the weekends or holidays; however, notification will be provided
    in advance of any such work.
  • Avoid producing water runoff into the streets the day before or after construction, because this may delay work.


  • Street and driveway access should be available at all times however access will be limited, and delays should be
  • On-street parking will be available within reasonable walking distance (approximately 1,000 feet) of construction. Please pay close attention to parking notices, and park accordingly.
  • In most cases, construction will not occur during the weekends or holidays; however, notification will be provided in advance of any such work.
  • Avoid producing water runoff into the streets the day before or after construction, because this may delay work.

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