Work in Progress

What is an Overlay treatment? 

Overlay treatment is a new layer of asphalt that is applied to existing roadways. The process involves grinding down the current asphalt in order to apply the new asphalt. New asphalt is then placed on the street at a thickness of one to three inches. This process extends the life of the roadway and provides a smoother surface.

What is a Slurry Seal treatment? 

Slurry Seal is a pavement preservation method consisting of finely crushed aggregate, mixed with water and addresses existing surface distress on streets. This is applied to the street surface at an average thickness of ¼ of an inch. This cost-effective maintenance treatment extends the life of streets already in good condition, while providing a smoother surface. Preparation for slurry seal treatment will include weed removal, sealing cracks, and repairing asphalt on the street.

What is the difference between overlay resurfacing and slurry seal?

Overlay resurfacing removes the top asphalt wearing surface to install new asphalt pavement. Slurry is a sealant applied as a preservative application.

My street was just resurfaced, it looks terrible, are they going to fix it?

The street resurfacing process involves multiple steps. Shedding asphalt will be present during ALL phases of the resurfacing, however; street sweepers will be deployed to help control the debris. A light-colored sand which is used to set the asphalt will be spread over the final layer of applied asphalt. This will help set the asphalt and will absorb within a few days.

*** Please DO NOT sweep the sand – as mentioned above, this is the final process of the resurfacing and the sand will be absorbed/gone in a few days.  

Why does the road look and feel so rough after the Slurry Seal treatment? 

Due to the nature of a slurry seal treatment, shedding of asphalt material will occur, leaving behind loose gravel and debris. The amount of shedding fluctuates depending on how heavily the roadway is traveled. To minimize the debris and treatment shedding, the contractor schedules periodic street sweepings on the affected roadways, sidewalks, and driveways during the first 30 days after the treatment has been applied.

I have work scheduled at my home, will my contractor be able to park in the street?

A door hanger will be left on your front door with the specific dates of your scheduled Road Rehab. If you have scheduled work to be done at your home the same day as the Road Rehab work and the “No Parking” signs are present, your contractor can only have access to park in your driveway PRIOR to the start of the road work that day. There will be NO on-street parking and your contractor/worker’s vehicle must remain parked in your driveway until the Road Rehab contractor has removed the “No Parking” signs, which is approximately 4 hours AFTER the final asphalt has been applied.

Can I park on-street?

On-street parking will only be available within 1,000 feet of the construction. “Parking Notices/No Parking Signs” will be posted and parking will only be available on streets NOT affected by the scheduled construction.

** Please note** ALL vehicles parked in the posted “No Parking” zone during the Road Rehab construction times, WILL BE TOWED

Overlay – Will I have access to my driveway and street?

There are two phases to an Overlay process: Grinding and Paving.

Grinding phase – During the grinding phase, you will have complete access to your driveway, unless the asphalt grinding equipment is directly in front of your home.

Paving phase – During the paving phase, there will be NO access to residential traffic and/or emergency vehicles, however; traffic control personnel will be on-site to direct traffic and answer any questions regarding street or driveway access. Once the street has been fully paved, the street will be still be inaccessible for another 2 to 4 hours – it will be important to plan your day accordingly.  

When can I drive on the resurfaced street? 

Overlay treatment – Approximately 2 to 4 hours after the hot asphalt has time to cool and set. The street should be reopened by the end of the working day in order to prevent damage to your vehicle and the street surface.

Slurry Seal treatment – There will be NO access in or out of a driveway or street once treatment is applied and for the duration of the day. The hours can vary between 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The street should reopen by the end of the working day in order to prevent damage to your vehicle and the street surface.

Will my trash, recycling, and green waste be picked up? 

Yes.  If your scheduled trash day falls on the same day as the Road Rehab, the contractor will coordinate with Waste Management/trash hauler prior to the paving process. Although, if on your regularly scheduled trash day your trash was collected before the start of the paving process, the contractor will move your trash cans onto the sidewalk to accommodate street repairs.


Will my mail be delivered during construction? 

Yes. The contractor will work with USPS and other delivery services, so that services are not affected.

What is the process for package delivery services?

There will be no driving allowed on the street immediately following the street repair (please refer to the question above ~When can I drive on the resurfaced street?~), as it depends on the streets treatment. Foot traffic access will be permitted on sidewalks at all times.

I have noticed pits in the asphalt after the street repairs have completed. Will the contractor follow up to repair the damage?

Due to certain tires on larger vehicles and vehicles with power steering, the road may show some pitting. This is common and will eventually smooth out over time. If it does not resolve within a few months, you can call the project hotline for assistance.

The storm drains / gutters are covered and construction has been completed. Did the contractor forget to remove them?

No. We ask that you DO NOT remove any sand bags or plastic coverings on the storm drains. The storm drain will remain covered until ALL work in the area is complete and will be removed solely by the contractor. This process ensures that no harmful chemicals are entering in or contaminating the storm water. If you have concerns about damage to the storm drain coverings, you can call the Project Hotline at (661) 290-2291.

Will work occur on weekends or holidays? 

No. There will not be any construction on weekends or holidays.

How many days will I be affected? 

Construction phases may take place at different times, extending work on your street across several days. The day before and the day after construction, please avoid producing water runoff that may flow into the streets as this will cause delays and may add extra days to construction.

Is there an exact time of construction?

A typical paving schedule starts with grinding and approximately a week later the paving will begin. However, there are many variables that arise and schedules may need to be adjusted. The City strives to provide the most accurate Road Rehab construction information to our residents. This website incorporates an interactive map which is updated weekly as well.

How is resurfacing scheduled?

A pavement management system, used to analyze data, helps determine when to schedule streets for resurfacing. Each street segment is assigned a “Pavement Condition Index” (PCI) based on the pavement’s roughness and cracks. To prioritize street paving, the PCI is used in conjunction with other factors, such as traffic volume, road type, maintenance history, other construction projects, and available funding. Repairs are often grouped within a neighborhood to include streets that are in similar condition.

What if my street isn’t on the list?

Pavement surveys are conducted annually and this data is used to determine when streets will be repaired. Utilizing a street’s overall condition assessment, streets are planned for repaving work based on available funding and other factors such as traffic volume, road type, maintenance history, and other planned construction projects.

Why are the same streets being paved over and over? Play Video

As part of normal maintenance 3-5 years after a street is resurfaced, a slurry seal application is applied to prevent water penetration into the asphalt. This inhibits oxidation of the oils from the pavement, deters asphalt cracking, prevents water from seeping into the sub-base, and extends the serviceable life of the street, thereby reducing the need for repaving.

Why aren’t the worst streets paved first? Play Video

80% of all resurfacing dollars are spent on normal resurfacing blankets and the other 20% on failed roadways. These dollars have to be spread over the entire street network system to save as many streets possible before they fail.

For safety reason and as a reminder, please keep children and pets away from construction areas AT ALL TIMES. We appreciate your cooperation and support.

If you have specific questions that have not been addressed by the FAQ’s list, please call the Project Hotline at (661) 290-2291.