Council Recap:

October 14, 2014

The following is the recap from the City Council meeting on Tuesday, October 14, 2014:


  1. Approval of Joint City Council and Board of Library Trustees minutes from the September 23, 2014 meetings – Approved 
  2. Approval of amendments to the San Fernando Valley Council of Governments Joint Powers Authority Agreement – Approved 
  3. Award contract to Data Ticket, Inc. for Citywide Parking Enforcement Program to provide an efficient, response-based parking enforcement service for residents – Approved
  4. Award contract to RJM Design Group for the architectural, engineering, and landscape design services for Phase IV at Central Park, which includes the proposed Tennis Facility – Approved 
  5. Award janitorial services contract to Lee’s Maintenance Service, Inc. for services at various facilities – Approved  
  6. Approval of plans and specifications and award the construction contract to Rey-Crest Roofing & Waterproofing Co. to replace the roof of the Santa Clarita Public Library’s Valencia branch – Approved 
  7. Approval of the Local Appointments List, including all ongoing boards, commissions and committees appointed by the City Council – Approved
  8. Adopt resolution to begin the process of forming a drainage benefit assessment area for River Village Area C – Approved
  9. Check register No. 19 – Approved  


10.   Appeal of Planning Commission’s denial of a Conditional Use Permit, requested by Albert Einstein Academy for Letters, Arts and Sciences, to operate a primary school within the Business Park at 25300 Rye Canyon Road – City Council directed staff to continue working with the applicant on a revised project, draft appropriate documents, and continue the public hearing to the regular City Council meeting on October 28, 2014 


11. Approve letter from City Manager to Southern California Regional Rail Authority inquiring about the possibility of continuing operation of the Via Princessa Metrolink Station once service at the Vista Canyon Metrolink Station begins – Council Concurred to direct staff to amend the letter emphasizing no changes to the Vista Canyon project and return the item to a future meeting

12. Receive information and give direction on status of the City of Santa Clarita’s membership in the Eco-Rapid Transit Joint Powers Authority – City Council concurred to withdraw membership from Eco-Rapid Transit membership and request that dues paid be returned to the City.  Council will reconsider future membership if certain conditions change


Regular City Council meetings take place on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.  The next regular meeting will on Tuesday, October 28, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall.  

View the full agenda for the October 14 City Council meeting.

Meeting Minutes can be accessed here once available.

Watch the City Council meetings on SCVTV.