Council Recap:

March 10, 2015

The following is the recap from the City Council meeting on Tuesday, March 10, 2015:

CONSENT CALENDAR – Approved by unanimous vote with the exception of Item 7, which was continued by the City Council for consideration at a future meeting

  1. Approval of Joint City Council and Board of Library Trustees minutes from the February 24, 2015 meetings.
  2. Reading of ordinance titles.
  3. Adopt resolution establishing no-stopping anytime zones on Megan Drive between Brandon Circle and Gary Drive.
  4. Adopt resolutions approving and accepting the negotiated exchange of property tax revenues resulting from Santa Clarita Valley Sanitation District Annexation No. 1077.
  5. Approve resolution authorizing the reassignment of a temporary bin and roll-off service franchise from Crown Disposal Co. Inc. to Recology Los Angeles.
  6. Approve the purchase of real property located at 28111 Sand Canyon Road for future infrastructure and right of way.
  7. Adopt resolution authorizing the City to join the California Enterprise Development Authority (CEDA) and join commercial PACE programs through CEDA and California Statewide Communities Development Authority (CSCDA).  This matter was continued by the City Council for consideration at a future meeting
  8. Renew contract to Oakridge Landscape, Inc. for landscape maintenance services in Landscape Maintenance District Zones 7 (Creekside), 19 (Bridgeport/Bouquet), and T1 (Faircliff).
  9. Check Register No. 5 


10.  Conduct a public hearing and receive information regarding the results of the annual Community Needs Assessment conducted as part of the Community Development Block Grant Program. – Approved


11.  Second reading and adoption of an ordinance of the City Council of the City of Santa Clarita, amending Chapter 6.02 – Manufactured Home Park Rental Adjustment Procedures. – This matter was continued by the City Council for consideration at a future meeting.


12.  Provide direction to staff regarding whether to request an extension to the comment period for the Santa Clarita Valley Sanitation District’s Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Report for Alternative Deep Well Injection Site, and whether to request consideration of alternative solutions to the proposed deep well injection site.  The City Council approved the following motions:

  • The City Council requests the District Board permanently withdraw the currently proposed deep well injection site and look for alternative locations for deep well injection not near homes and suspend further DSEIR comments on this proposed site, allowing appropriate time for input and EIR needs for another site. 
  • In the event that the DSEIR having to do with the deep well injection at this site is not canceled, the City Council requests a 120-day extension.
  • Encourage pursuit with the state to have the TMDL limit raised to a reasonable level and/or a moratorium on fines until a viable project is selected concurrent with the District moving forward with meeting the benchmarks set by the State Water Board.


Regular City Council meetings take place on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.  The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall. 

View the full agenda for the March 10 City Council meeting.

Meeting Minutes can be accessed here once available.

Watch the City Council meetings on SCVTV.