Council Recap:

April 12, 2016

The following is the recap from the City Council meeting on Tuesday, April 12, 2016:

Highlights of action taken include:

  • Authorizing the City Manager or designee to submit City/County Payment Program Grant applications to the California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery. 
  • Awarding a contract for the San Francisquito Creek Trail Ramp ADA Upgrade Project. 
  • Awarding a contract for the annual Concrete Rehabilitation Project which improves City sidewalks, drive approaches, curb, gutters and access ramps. 
  • Public hearings regarding the formation of the Community Facilities District for the Vista Canyon Project, and the annexation of the West Creek and West Hills area.
  • Awarding of a five year contract to Library Systems & Services, LLC to manage and operate the Santa Clarita Public Libraries.

View the entire agenda from the April 12, 2016 meeting. 

Approved Meeting Minutes can be accessed here once available. 


Regular City Council meetings take place on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.  
The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 26, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall.