Council Recap:

February 28, 2023

The following is the recap from the City Council meeting on Tuesday, February 28, 2023:

Highlights of action taken include:

  • Proclaimed March 8, 2023, as International Women’s Day.
  • Received an Annual Update presentation from the Santa Clarita Valley Economic Development Corporation.
  • Conducted a public hearing and received information regarding the results of the annual Community Needs Assessment Survey conducted as part of the Community Development Block Grant Program for the 2023-24 program year.
  • Awarded a contract with El Dorado National Corporation, Gillig Corporation, and A-Z Bus Sales for the purchase of two (2) 40-foot hydrogen fuel cell electric buses, one (1) 29-foot and two (2) 40-foot compressed natural gas buses, and two (2) 24-foot compressed natural gas cutaway buses, for a total not to exceed amount of $5,189,837.
  • Amended a contract with A-Z Bus Sales for the purchase and delivery of two Dial-A-Ride buses in a total not to exceed amount of $427,396.
  • Awarded a one-year contract to Johnson Controls, Inc., to provide air conditioning and heating maintenance and unforeseen emergency repair services to all City-owned facilities for a total one-year contract amount of $381,842. 

View the Entire Agenda for the February 28, 2023, meeting.
Approved Meeting Minutes can be accessed here once available.

Regular City Council meetings take place on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.
The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 14, 2023, at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall.