Welcome to the home page for the Building & Safety Division of the City of Santa Clarita.
Our team of professional engineers, inspectors, and friendly support staff is dedicated to providing the highest level of plan review and inspection services to our community.

Before a building is constructed, repaired, or altered, the property owner is responsible to obtain the necessary permits. Building permits and inspections provide owners, insurance companies, and the public the assurance that construction is done in compliance with state building codes and local ordinances. These standards are intended to protect the integrity of buildings and the welfare of the community.
Fairness, equality, and the highest standard of professional ethics are our goal in providing our services to the community. The successful completion of your project is important to the City of Santa Clarita, and we will work closely with you toward that end.
Did you know…?

Accessibility Resources for Businesses
Building & Safety assists local businesses in providing access to people with disabilities through enforcement of the California Building Code. Our highly qualified staff is available to answer your questions and assist you through the plan review, building permit, and inspection processes. Please visit the City’s Permit Center at City Hall or contact Building & Safety by phone or e-mail (see “Contact Us” below).CASp Inspections for Businesses
A Certified Access Specialist (CASp) is a professional who has been certified by the State of California to have specialized knowledge of accessibility standards. A CASp will know which standards apply to your business based on the age and history of improvements. A CASp can provide services that offer your business “qualified defendant” status in a construction-related accessibility lawsuit. For businesses that are not undergoing construction, a CASp property inspection can be performed by a private (non-City) CASp. For more information about the CASp program and how to find a CASp for your business, please visit the CASp Property Inspection web page.Contact Us
Office Phone: (661) 255-4935
E-mail: For permit inquiries please e-mail us at: buildingpermits@santaclarita.gov.
For public records requests or to report a possible code violation, please use our Resident Service Center.
Our staff is available at the Permit Center counter located in City Hall, Suite 140:
- Over-the-Counter Plan Review and Walk-Ins
7:30 – 11:00 AM or by appointment (M-TH)
8:00 – 11:00 AM or by appointment (F) - Previous permits and other public records
7:30 AM – 5:00 PM (M-TH)
8:00 AM – 4:30 PM (F) - Permit Issuance (For large projects, please schedule an appointment.)
7:30 AM – 5:00 PM (M-TH)
8:00 AM – 4:30 PM (F) - Inspectors – by telephone or at the counter
7:30 – 8:00 AM & 3:30 – 4:00 PM (M-TH)
3:00 – 3:30 PM (F) - 24 -Hour Inspection Request Hotline
(661) 286-4097
To schedule an inspection of work being done under an active City Permit, call the inspection request hotline prior to 2:30 p.m. one working day prior to the day of the inspection.