Street Sweeper Map

Pursuant to the City’s street sweeping contract, the schedule is as follows: All residential streets will be swept once per month, except from mid-November to the beginning of January, when street sweeping will take place weekly. Street sweeper operates the day after trash service in residential areas.

The City’s trail system and main arterial streets such as Soledad Canyon Road, McBean Parkway, Newhall Avenue, Golden Valley Road, and others are swept twice per month. All City medians and City-owned or leased parking lots with 25 or more parking spaces will continue to be swept once per month.

Residents are asked to do their part to increase the effectiveness of the Citywide street sweeping, by removing vehicles from the street during scheduled street sweeping days, keeping the street clear of lawn and tree trimmings, trash, and debris, and removing portable basketball courts from the street. In addition, it is important that residents do not pile or stack leaves either in the street or in yards. All leafy debris should be placed in the green waste container supplied by the trash service provider. This is to ensure that the street sweeping equipment does not become plugged which would result in delays in the street sweeping service.

For more information call the City’s Environmental Services Division at (661) 286-4098