
Refund Policy

Refunds will be granted if the following guidelines are met:

Adult Sports

A full refund will be given prior to the current season schedule posted on the City of Santa
Clarita’s Adult Sports website and/or the schedule sent out to the team manager. A $50
administrative fee will be applied after the season schedule has posted. Refunds will not be
granted after the second game of the season.

Aquatics Memberships

Refunds for Aquatics membership passes will be prorated from date of purchase or prorated
based on number of visits used. A $14 administrative fee will apply to all refunds.

Camp Clarita

All requests for refunds must be submitted to the Camp Clarita Office on a Change Form at least
ten business days prior to the week enrolled. For each week refunded, a $30 charge is withheld.
No refunds will be issued after this time. Change Form can be obtained and submitted at

Contract Classes

A full refund will be given when notice is received by the Recreation and Community Services
Division at least five working days prior to the first scheduled class. Requests received by the
Division after the first scheduled class and before the second scheduled class will be refunded
and assessed a $14 administrative fee. No refunds will be issued after the second scheduled class.
Material Fees are non-refundable.
Make-Ups: No Make-up classes or refunds will be issued if a participant is unable to attend a
class throughout the session. If the class is cancelled due to an unforeseeable circumstance
during the session, make-up classes may be added to the end of the session and will be held on
the same day of the week and time as the class was advertised. Participants will not be refunded
if they are unable to attend a make-up class.

Primetime Preschool

Prior to the beginning of the school year, notification must be received by the Primetime Preschool office before the second scheduled class to receive a full refund minus a $50 administrative fee. Once the school year begins, notification must be received by the Primetime Preschool office by the 15th of the month prior to dis-enrolling in order to allow the office to fill the spot. Tuition fees already paid for the current month are non-refundable and pro-rated refunds will not be issued for days missed. A $50 administrative fee will apply to all refunds processed. If a parent has paid in full for the entire school-year in advance, any remaining months will be refunded. All requests for withdrawals must be submitted to the Primetime Preschool office on the Withdrawal Form located on the Primetime Preschool website ( under the Parent’s Corner tab.

One-Day Workshops

A full refund will be given when notice is received by the Recreation and Community Services Division at least five working days prior to the date of the one-day class. No refunds will be issued after this time. Material fees are non-refundable.


A full refund will be given when notice is received by the Recreation and Community Services Division by the given deadline. No refunds will be issued after this time.