
Software Defined Radio (SDR)

The City of Santa Clarita utilizes traffic data collection devices to monitor vehicle conditions on roadways, such as speed and volume. The Software Defined Radio (SDR) collects detailed traffic data used to conduct a variety of traffic studies. The SDR device is placed on two-lane roadways such as residential streets. The device is mobile and can be placed along any roadway that has a streetlight standard (pole) to attach it to. The device is programmed to collect data from both directions of traffic.

Due to its placement at the top of the streetlight standard it is not usually visible to the public, but if they should notice the SDR device, some common questions may be:

  • Did the City install this device? – Yes, the device is owned by the City and is deployed by City staff. There will be a sticker on the device noting it is the property of the City of Santa Clarita.
  • What is the device collecting? – The device collects hourly volume and speed along a two-lane roadway.
  • Does this device collect personal information? – No, the device is only used to collect traffic volume and speed on roadways.
  • Is this device being used for traffic enforcement? – No, it does not collect personal data or issue citations of individual vehicles traveling along the roadway. But the combined data collected can be analyzed to determine if enforcement should be conducted.
  • How long will the device be at a certain location? – The device is usually at any given location for one to two weeks.
  • Why is the City collecting data? – The SDR devices will assist the City of Santa Clarita in collecting data pertaining to speed and volume allowing staff to make sound decisions regarding future roadway projects that will improve circulation and enhance safety on City streets.

For further information regarding the SDR device, please contact the City of Santa Clarita Public Works Department at (661) 255-4942.

SDR Device