How to Prevent Graffiti

Tips for Community Members

  • Keep up the neighborhood – Make every effort to keep the appearance of a neighborhood clean and neat. Remove litter and trash, fix broken fences, trim landscaping, and ensure all lighting is working properly. According to Law Enforcement, an exterior appearance that suggests apathy and neglect attracts vandals.
  • Remove graffiti promptly – Rapid removal is an effective prevention tool. Data shows that removal within 24 hours results in a nearly zero rate of recurrence. Request graffiti wipes to remove graffiti from light poles, railing, news-stands and other metal objects in your neighborhood by calling (661) 25-CLEAN. You can also get your family, church, sports or civic group involved in removal.
  • Report Graffiti- Through resident reporting to (661) 25-CLEAN (252-5326) or through the Resident Service Center, with as specific information as possible, graffiti removal is able to occur in a more timely matter.
  • Provide alternatives – The Institute for Law and Justice, Inc. manual on safe neighborhoods suggests diverting graffiti criminals to positive alternatives. Throughout the City, youth have opportunities to participant in City programs such as the Community Center Teen Group, Youth Employment Services, or programs with the Anti-Gang Task Force. Other programs offered in the City of Santa Clarita include involvement in school clubs or sports, or the Boys and Girls Club.

Tips for Businesses

Graffiti contributes to reduced retail sales, a decline in property values, and citizen fear. A business littered with graffiti is less likely to be patronized. Citizens feel less safe and secure entering a storefront where graffiti is present. The following are steps to take to aid in the prevention of graffiti:

  • Keep the exterior of your business neat and clean.
  • Remove graffiti within 24 hours.
  • Incorporate shrubs, thorny plants, and vines to restrict vandal access.
  • Add or improve lighting around the building to promote natural surveillance.
  • Use fences, controlled entrance and exits, and other barriers that discourage through traffic.
  • Limit access to roofs by moving dumpsters away from walls and covering drainpipes to prevent vandals from climbing them.
  • Organize a “Business Watch” with nearby merchants to keep tabs on a business area. Businesses may want to employ security personnel to monitor property.
  • Employ graffiti-resistant materials or coating on a chronically hit wall.
  • Consider installing surveillance cameras and warning signs.

As a community, we ALL can:

  • Refrain from using graffiti images in ads or promoting graffiti in any way.
  • Print graffiti prevention messages on bags, sales flyers, tray liners, book covers, calendars, and other promotional items.
  • Keep all supplies and tools that could be used in graffiti vandalism, such as markers or spray paint locked at all times.