
Monthly Message from the City Manager

Heads Up for a Safe Start to the School Year

by City Manager Ken Striplin 

As the new school year begins, public safety remains a top priority in the Santa Clarita Valley. While preparing for new classes, teachers and reuniting with friends, take a moment to reassess your safety behaviors on and around campus. Whether you drive, walk or cycle, adopting a “Heads Up” approach can help keep everyone safe.

As a “Heads Up” driver, obey speed limits, use turn signals and ensure sidewalks and corners are clear before pulling into traffic. Always keep your attention on the road; distracted driving led to 3,308 fatalities in 2022, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Using a cell phone while driving is illegal in California and potentially life-threatening. Texts and calls can wait until after you have reached your destination. With school back in session, be aware of children using crosswalks and exercise extra caution at stoplights and intersections. The most common cause of driver-at-fault accidents is failing to look before making a right turn and not seeing pedestrians. Before turning, pause and look, remembering that pedestrians might not see your vehicle. Expect people in crosswalks and always check twice before turning, especially in school zones and areas where children may be active.

Prepare your children with essential “Heads Up” practices for walking to school. Remind them to keep the volume low on music or podcasts to hear cars and emergency vehicle sirens. Encourage them to remove headphones at intersections to better judge when it’s safe to cross. Advise them to make eye contact with drivers to confirm they are visible before crossing. Emphasize predictability by crossing streets only at marked crosswalks and intersections. Many pedestrian accidents occur when individuals dash across the road instead of using a crosswalk. Stress that risking a few seconds is never worth it. Encourage using the City’s paseo system, pedestrian bridges and off-street trails to avoid traffic hazards.

Everyone plays a role in ensuring the health and safety for our community. Let’s work together to protect our families and neighbors. Visit to learn more about improving traffic safety in Santa Clarita.

City Manager Ken Striplin can be reached at