Court Fees

Community Court

Criminal Case Fines (Teen Court):

  • Court Processing Fine – $150
  • Additional Citation Processing Fine – $75 (each additional)
  • Restitution – Amount varies. Sheriff’s Department bailiff will inform juvenile/parents if restitution is due to the victim when there is property loss or damage. Payment is made to the Sheriff’s Department or directly to the business where the theft occured and receipt of payment is provided to court staff.)


Traffic Case Fines (Community Court):

Speeding Violation Fines: 

      • $150 (0 – 9 miles over speed limit)
      • $250 (10 – 19 miles over speed limit)
      • $350 (20 miles over speed limit)

Moving violations other than speeding: $150 (Use of cell phone while driving, failure to stop, unsafe lane change, provisional license violation, etc.) 

All non-moving violations: $150 Court Processing Fee (Jaywalking and walking against the don’t walk, not wearing seat belt, etc.)

Correctable Violations (Fix-It-Ticket): $150 Court Processing Fee 

Additional Citation Processing Fine: $50 (each additional)

Note: Additional fees for driving and life skills classes may be required for both Teen and Community Court.


All court and class fees must be paid within 15 days from the court date, as ordered by the judge. If a participant faces a financial hardship and requests a payment plan, court staff will arrange the payment schedule.

All fines/fees should be paid at the following location:

City of Santa Clarita – City Hall
23920 Valencia Boulevard, Suite 140
Santa Clarita, CA

Monday – Thursday, 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Cash, check or credit card are accepted. A copy of the payment receipt will be given to Community Court and Teen Court staff by the Cashier’s office.

Please Note:

  • Payments for fines can NOT be accepted at the Community Court and Teen Court office. Please do not mail or drop off payments to the court office. Please submit payments to the address above.
  • Restitution payments should be made directly to the Sheriff’s Department Bailiff: Attention Detective Villamiel at the Sheriff’s Department location: 26201 Golden Valley Road, Santa Clarita, CA 91387. Provide proof of payment (email copy of receipt) to Court staff at
  • All fees/fines are subject to change.