Sentencing Criteria

What is “Sentencing Criteria”? And why does it matter?

During a court session, the judge issues a series of conditions (or expectations) that the teen must abide by while they are “under the supervision” of the program (usually 60-180 days depending on the case.) These are mandatory and must be adhered to by the teen participant in order for them to successfully complete the program and have their citation deferred. Violations of these criteria could result additional criteria, an extended court supervision period and/or case dismissal (removal from the program).

Each teen will be required to abide by the following conditions of supervision, in addition to their individual sentencing criteria as noted in their contract:

  1. Obey all laws and orders set by Community Court and Teen Court.
  2. Report to the Community Court and Teen Court Coordinator, as directed.
  3. Notify the Community Court  and Teen Court Coordinator before changing address or school.
  4. Do not own or possess any dangerous weapons, nor remain in the presence of an unlawfully armed person.
  5. Do not use or possess any alcohol or drugs, and stay away from places where users or sellers congregate.
  6. Attend school and maintain satisfactory grades, attendance, and citizenship.
  7. Pay court fines and class fees.



  • Complete community service hours as ordered by the judge. (Usually 8-40 hours to be completed within court supervision period.)
  • Write an essay on the consequences of your citation OR (in lieu of essay) submit a video project about the impact of your violation on you and your family.  
  • Write a letter of apology to victim and/or parents/guardian.
  • Pay court and class fees.
  • Pay restitution (if recommended by Community Court Coordinator). See Restitution Guidelines 
  • Depending on the case, attend a 6-week Early Intervention program with the Child and Family Center or other counseling, as ordered. Click here for Child & Family Center Website



  • Complete an online Traffic School class.
  • Attend the Youth Grove Memorial (Approx. 1.5 Hours) and write an essay on the topic given by the judge.
  • Pay court fines and class fees.


Please note: Criteria is subject to the discretion of the judge and court staff and may change. 

For information about fines, click on the “Court Fines” tab on this webpage.