
Types of Cases

The Community Court program handles low-grade misdemeanor juvenile criminal and traffic cases.

Criminal Cases include:

  • Curfew, vandalism, possession of alcohol, tobacco or drugs, possession of tobacco paraphernalia, trespassing, petty theft under $50.

Traffic Cases include:

  • Speeding.
  • Moving violations (i.e., failure to stop, illegal u-turn, unsafe lane change, etc.)
  • Non moving violations (i.e., cell phone in hand, provisional license violations, etc.)

The Teen Court program handles severe misdemeanor cases and some minor felony juvenile cases.

Cases include:

  • Petty theft over $50, burglary, brandishing a weapon, possession of fireworks, possession of Marijuana on school ground, public intoxication, possession of an air soft pistol, grand theft, possession of deadly weapon, battery on school grounds, under the influence of controlled substance, and vandalism.

*The Community Court and Teen Court programs do not handle tickets for the Automatic Photo Red Light Enforcement. (Red Light Camera)