Welcome to Santa Clarita’s Special Needs Registry
A secure information database that helps Santa Clarita Deputies recognize and respond to individuals with special needs.
The Special Needs Registry (SNR) is a free safety tool maintained by the City of Santa Clarita and the Santa Clarita Sheriff’s Department.
Provide information about a loved one with special needs of any age, who may require special assistance in an emergency or interaction with first responders. Deputies can access the information in the secure SNR database to assist residents with special needs if the person is lost, found or needs help.
What information is provided in the Special Needs Registry?
- A photograph, description and contact information for the person
- Information needed to find those who wander away from home and identify “found” individuals
- Important medical, safety and behavioral concerns
- Helpful suggestions for interacting with the person with a disability or medical condition
Who can enroll?
Parents and caregivers may enroll a person of any age with any type of medical condition or disability, including but not limited to:
- Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Alzheimer’s
- Dementia
- Bipolar Disorder
- Down Syndrome
- Epilepsy
Adults with special needs may also enroll themselves to provide important information in case of emergency.

The Special Needs Registry is a partnership between the City of Santa Clarita, the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, and the Community and Law Enforcement Aware Response (CLEAR) initiative. Formed in 2003, the CLEAR collaborative includes organizations and individuals dedicated to improving safety for individuals with disabilities as well as outcomes in encounters with law enforcement officers and first responders.
Awards & Recognitions
- 2016 League of California Cities Helen Putnam Award for Excellence in Public Safety
- 2011 Diamond Award from the California Emergency Services Association for demonstrating outstanding service in the area of emergency management.
- The Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) recognized the Santa Clarita Special Needs Registry as a model for the nation on their Lessons Learned website.
Contact: If you have questions about the Special Needs Registry, please contact Family Focus Resource Center at 661.294.9715
For more information visit www.CLEARscv.org