
Frequently Asked Questions


Q: Will I be notified if my sidewalk is going to be replaced?
A: Yes, you will receive a door hanger notice (from the contractor) at least 48 hours in advance, notifying you of the type of work being performed in your neighborhood. It will also include the name and phone number of the contractor and the City’s project manager should you have further questions.


Q: How long do repairs typically take?
A: Sidewalk: 2-3 days Curb & gutter: 1 week Drive approach: 1 week

Q: What times does the construction typically occur in residential areas?
A: Construction typically occurs between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. in residential areas. If necessary, night construction occurs between the hours of 8:30 p.m. and 5:30 a.m.


Q: How will my parking be impacted during repair work?
A: There will be “No Parking” signs posted in the area of work 48 hours in advance and the sidewalk will be barricaded. The street will remain open to traffic and there will be pedestrian access on at least one side of the street. If your drive approach is going to be replaced, you will be notified and you will be restricted from access to your driveway for one week.

Q: Why do “No Parking” signs need to be placed on the street?
A: Due to the nature of the construction being performed, “No Parking” signs need to be set up in order to allow for the contractor’s large trucks and trailers to park on the street. Oversized construction equipment will also be loaded and unloaded. The restricted parking areas will serve as a buffer between the equipment and other vehicles.

Q: Will I be able to use my driveway?
A: If you received a pink notice that says your drive approach will be replaced, you will not be able to access your driveway for one week. Please be sure to move vehicles from your driveway or garage if you wish to use them during this timeframe. If you received a yellow notice that says sidewalk and/or curb and gutter will be replaced, you will still have access to your driveway.


Q: Do I need to shut-off my irrigation?
A: Yes, for the duration of repairs.

Q: Why must my irrigation be turned off during the repairs?
A: Irrigation should remain off until contractor verifies that no irrigation lines are damaged. If irrigation is not turned off, water run-off can damage fresh concrete and not allow it to set and cure properly. Please avoid water run-off for at least 48 hours after concrete has been poured.

Damages/Concerns During Construction

Q: What if my irrigation gets damaged?
A: The contractor is responsible for the repair of anything they damage. The homeowner should not make the repairs themselves and seek re-imbursement. If irrigation gets damaged, please contact one of the names found on the door hanger.

Q: Who do I call if a concern arises due to construction being done?
A: The door hanger notification will include the name and phone number of the contractor and the City’s project manager. During construction, a City inspector will frequently be available on the jobsite.

Q: Who is responsible for City street trees and damage caused by them?
A: Street trees in the City’s right of way that are adjacent to private property are to be watered and maintained by the private property owner. The City is responsible to trim the trees and remove and replace them, if necessary. The City repairs damage to sidewalks and curb and gutter that are in the public right of way, but not on private property. Please contact the City’s Urban Forestry Division with any street tree concerns.

Q: I just noticed new graffiti on my recently finished sidewalk. Who do I call?
A: The door hanger notification will include the name and phone number of the contractor and the City’s project manager. Please contact either person for assistance.

Q: Can I place my initials or name in the concrete in front of my home?
A: Although this is a common practice for homeowners on their private property, we ask that residents please refrain from etching any type of markings into the concrete. If markings are made, the process to remove them is difficult and will result in an irregular finish on the concrete.

Q: What happens if damage occurs to my private property during construction?
A: Contractors are responsible for any damage that occurs on your private property. If you incur any damage during the construction process, please contact the City BEFORE you attempt to repair it. The City will work with the contractor to repair the damage.

Requesting City Sidewalk Repairs/Improvements

Q: What do I do if I have a concern about my sidewalk (not currently being worked on)?
A: Please submit your concern to the City’s online Resident Service Center at Your service request will be designated to a city department that will follow up to ensure the request is resolved in a timely manner.

Q: I would like handicap curb ramps to be installed on my corner, who do I contact?
A: Please place your request with the City’s online Resident Service Center at Your service request will be designated to a city department that will follow up to ensure the request is resolved in a timely manner.