Seasonal Guidance

Spring Emergency Tips

PLAN AHEAD FOR SEVERE WEATHER: Take extra precautions when traveling through heavy rains or high winds.

SAVE FOR A RAINY DAY: Set cash aside for use during emergencies and have copies of important documents such as IDs and insurance cards.

BUILD A KIT: Consider a home and car kit so you have supplies when you need them most.

Summer Emergency Tips

Protect the Vulnerable!

  • Look before you lock! Never leave children or pets in a car – not even for one minute. Temperatures inside a car can quickly skyrocket to deadly levels.
  • Don’t forget your pets! Keep pets indoors if possible. If kept outside, give them plenty of water and shade to rest in.

Stay Cool, Stay Hydrated!

  • Drink plenty of cool water! Stay hydrated.
  • Wear loose, light-colored clothing and wear sunscreen and a hat for protection.
  • If you work or play outside, take frequent breaks to hydrate and cool off in the shade.

Heat Cramps:

  • Symptoms: muscle pain/spasms in stomach, arms, or legs.
  • Heat cramps usually result from heavy exertion, such as exercise, during extreme heat.
  • Heat cramps signal early heat-related stress. Treat promptly with rest, fluids, and cooling off.

Heat Exhaustion:

  • Symptoms: heavy sweating, pale/clammy skin, weakness, muscle cramps, headache, dizziness, nausea, fast breathing, fainting.
  • Heat exhaustion should be treated immediately with rest in a cool area, sipping water or a sports drink and applying cool and wet cloths to the skin.
  • Seek medical help if symptoms persist.

Heat Stroke:

  • Symptoms: flushed, hot, moist skin or lack of sweat, high body temperature (above 103ºF), confusion, dizziness, possible unconsciousness, throbbing headache, rapid or strong pulse.
  • Heat stroke is the most severe heat-related illness and occurs when a person’s temperature control system, which produces sweat, stops working.
  • If heat stroke is suspected, call 911, move to shade, fan and spray with water.

Prepare for the Summer heat by checking the weather and planning accordingly!

  • Apply sunscreen and stay hydrated when doing outdoor activities.
  • Wear lightweight and light-colored clothing.

Be aware of Water Safety

  • Keep an eye on young or inexperienced swimmers
  • Consider swim lessons for new swimmers

Watch your grill

  • Never leave your grill unattended
  • Keep young children and pets away from the grill when it is on   

Fall Emergency Tips

Keep your family and your home safe from wildfires!

Create a defensible space around your home

Maintain an emergency contact list

Create an Emergency Supply Kit for your family and pets in case of an evacuation

Winter Emergency Tips

Be aware of cyber threats

Decorate your home safely

Never drink and drive!