
“One Valley, One Vision” Draft Appendices


Notice of Preparation, Responses to the NOP, Scoping Meeting Information, and Public Workshops


  1. Notice of Preparation for the Draft Environmental Impact Report
  2. Scoping Meeting Notes Summary of Verbal Comments and Flyer
  3. Ventura County Office of Agricultural Commissioner Comment on NOP
  4. OVOV Noise Element Questions
  5. Ventura County Public Works Agency, Transportation Department, Comment on NOP
  6. City Comments
  7. Friends of the Santa Clara River Comment on NOP
  8. Ventura County Air Pollution Control District Comment on NOP
  9. Caltrans Comment on NOP
  10. South Coast Air Quality Management District Comment on NOP
  11. Ventura County Watershed Protection District Comment on NOP (8/26/08)
  12. Ventura County Watershed Protection District Comment on NOP (9/2/08)
  13. Agua Dulce Town Council Comment on NOP
  14. Los Angeles County Department of Public Works Comment on NOP
  15. OVOV November 2008 Workshop Comment Cards
  16. PCPOA OVOV Concerns
  17. Thomas M. Surak Comment on NOP
  18. Valley Industrial Association Letter to the City of Santa Clarita


Appendix 3.2

Appendix 3.3

Appendix 3.4

Global Climate Change Documentation


  1. Greenhouse Gas Emission Calculations
  2. Comparison of CAPCOA Greenhouse Gas Policies with One Valley One Vision

Appendix 3.9

Appendix 3.13

Water Service Information


  1. California’s Groundwater Bulletin 118
  2. 2005 Urban Water Management Plan
  3. Analysis of Groundwater Basin Yield, Upper Santa Clara River Groundwater Basin, East Subbasin
  4. California Department of Water Resources, “State Water Project Delivery Reliability Report 2007”
  5. Luhdorf & Scalmanini Technical Memorandum: Potential Capture of Perchlorate Contamination, Valencia Water Company Wells E14-E17
  6. Water Supply Contracts Between the State of California Department of Water Resources and CLWA including Amendment No. 18 (41,000 Acre-Feet Water Transfer)
  7. California Court of Appeals, Second District, Division Four, “Friends of the Santa Clara River v. Castaic Lake Water Agency (2002) 95 Cal.App.4th 1373”
  8. Los Angeles County Supreme Court, “Judgment Granting Preemptory Writ of Mandate, Friends of the Santa Clara River v. Castaic Lake Water Agency, Case No. BS056954”
  9. Memorandum of Understanding Between the Santa Clara River Valley Upper Basin Water Purveyors and United Water Conservation District
  10. California Court of Appeal, Second District, Division Four, “Friends of the Santa Clara River v. Castaic Lake Water Agency, Appellate No. B164027”
  11. Los Angeles County Superior Court, “Statement of Decision, California Water Impact Network v. Castaic Lake Water Agency, Case No. BS098724”
  12. Luhdorff & Scalmanini Consulting Engineers, “2009 Santa Clarita Valley Water Report”
  13. Groundwater Management Plan, Santa Clara River Valley Groundwater Basin
  14. CH2MHill, “Regional Groundwater Flow Model for the Santa Clarita Valley: Model Development and Calibration”
  15. CH2MHill, “Calibration Update of the Regional Groundwater Flow Model for the Santa Clarita Valley, Santa Clarita, California”
  16. CH2MHill, “Analysis of Groundwater Basin Yield, Upper Santa Clara River Groundwater Basin, East Subbasin, Los Angeles County, California”
  17. Luhdorff&ScalmaniniConsultingEngineers,“ImpactandResponsetoPerchlorateContamination,ValenciaWaterCompany,WellQ2”
  18. CH2MHill, “Analysis of Near-Term Groundwater Capture Areas for Production Wells Located Near the Whittaker-Bermite Property (Santa Clarita, California)”
  19. Geomatrix, “Letter to the Department of Toxic Substances Control Regarding the Former Whittaker-Bermite Facility, Santa Clarita, CA – Summary Report for Month of November 2007”
  20. United States Environmental Protection Agency, “Perchlorate Update”
  21. Carollo Engineers, “Treatment of Perchlorate Contaminated Groundwater from the Saugus Aquifer, Technical Memorandum No. 3 Bench and Pilot Test Results”
  22. California Department of Water Resources, “Bulletin 132-04, Management of the California State Water Project”
  23. United States District Court, Eastern District of California, “Natural Resources Defense Council v. Kempthorne, 506 F.Supp.2d 322 (E.D. Cal. 2007)”
  24. California Court of Appeal, Second District, Division Six, “Santa Clarita Organization for Planning the Environment v. County of Los Angeles (2007) 157 Cal.App.4th 149”
  25. California Court of Appeal, Second District, Division Three, “Sierra Club, etal. v. City of Santa Clarita, etal., Case No. B194771”
  26. CM2MHill, “Effect of Urbanization on Aquifer Recharge in the Santa Clarita Valley”
  27. Luhdorff & Scalmanini Consulting Engineers, “Evaluation of Groundwater Recharge Methods for the Saugus Formation in the Newhall Ranch Specific Plan Area”
  28. The California Oak Foundation et al., v. City of Santa Clarita; Gate King Properties et al. Opinion
  29. CH2MHill Final Report, Analysis of Perchlorate Containment in Groundwater Near the Whittaker-Bermite Property
  30. CLWA Treatment Plant Operations and Maintenance Memorandum
  31. Summary Report Letter from AMEC Geomatrix Regarding the Former Whittaker-Bermite Facility
  32. Monterey Settlement Agreement
  33. Governor’s Press Release, “Gov. Schwarzenegger Directs Immediate Actions to Improve the Deteriorating Delta, California’s Water Supply”
  34. United States District Court, Eastern District of California, “Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations, et al. v. Gutierrez, et al., No. 06-CV-00245-OWW-GSA (E.D. Cal. 2008)”
  35. Los Angeles County Superior Court, “Sierra Club, et al. v. City of Santa Clarita, Case No. BS 098722”
  36. CLWA Letter to the Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning Regarding Availability of Future Water Supplies in the Santa Clarita Valley
  37. 2009 Basin Yield Update
  38. California Court of Appeal, Second District, Division Five, California Water Impact Network, Inc., v. Castaic Lake Water Agency, Case No. B205622
  39. Castaic Lake Water Agency Litigation Settlement Agreement
  40. Order Granting Joint Motion for Court Approval, Good Faith Settlement Determination and Entry of Consent Order
  41. Stipulation to Dismiss Plaintiffs’ Claims and Defendants’ Counterclaim
  42. AMEC Geomatrix, Progress Letter Report from Hassan Amini, Ph.D., Project Coordinator, to DTSC (9/15/09)
  43. CLWA News Release
  44. MEC Geomatrix, Progress Letter Report from Hassan Amini, Ph.D., Project Coordinator, to DTSC (6/8/09)
  45. CLWA Memorandum from Brian J. Folsom to CLWA Board of Directors
  46. DWR, Bulletin 132-06, Management of the California State Water Project
  47. Biological Opinion for the Delta smelt
  48. Biological Opinion for the Chinook salmon/sturgeon
  49. NOAA/NMFS release summarizing the 2009 Biological Opinion
  50. DWR release responding to the 2009 Biological Opinion
  51. SWP Contractors’ release concerning the litigation filed challenging the 2009 Biological Opinion
  52. Coalition for a Sustainable Delta/Kern County Water Agency release concerning the litigation filed challenging the 2009 Biological Opinion
  53. DWR, 2009 Comprehensive Water Package, Special Session Policy Bills and Bond Summary
  54. Office of the Governor’s release regarding passage of history comprehensive water package

Appendix 3.18


Project Alternatives Air Quality and Climate Change Calculations