
Via Princessa East Extension Project

Final EIR

Title Page

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Responses and Comments
3.0 Corrections and Additions
4.0 Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program

Draft EIR

Title Page


  1. Executive Summary
  2. Environmental Setting
  3. Project Description
  4. Environmental Impact Analysis
  5. Cumulative Impact Analysis Methodology
  6. Alternatives
  7. Effects Not Found Significant
  8. Growth Inducement
  9. Significant Irreversible Environmental Changes
  10. Unavoidable Significant Impacts
  11. References
  12. List of Preparers and Persons Consulted


Notice of Preparation

  1. Notice of Preparation (NOP)
  2. Comments on the NOP

4.1 Air Quality Calculations

  1. Emissions Calculations
  2. CO Hotspots
  3. Santa Clarita Subregional Analysis, SCAQMD, November 2004

4.2 Biota Reports

  1. Santa Clara River Watershed Study, Dudek 2008
  2. Plant species observed on the Via Princessa Road Extension site, survey dates April 6 and 20, May 18, and June 11, 2010
  3. Animal species observed on the Via Princessa Road Extension site, survey dates April–November 2010
  4. Jurisdictional Delineation of Waters and Streambeds, Impact Sciences, August 2010
  5. 90-Day Protocol Survey Report For U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service Listed Vernal Pool Branchiopods, Thomas Juhasz, May 2010
  6. Coastal California Gnatcatcher, Cooper Environmental Monitoring, July–November 2010

4.3 Cultural Report

4.4 Geotechnical Reports

  1. Geologic/Geotechncial Report, “EIR-Level Review of Road Alignment for Via Princessa East from Golden Valley Road to 250 feet west of Sheldon Avenue,” prepared by Allen E. Seward Engineering Geology, Inc., August 13, 2010
  2. Geologic/Geotechnical Report, “Via Princessa Road Alignment and Adjacent Parcels Feasibility Study,” prepared by Allen E. Seward Engineering Geology, Inc., September 13, 2010

4.5 Greenhouse Gas Emissions

4.6 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, AET, 2010

4.7 Drainage Concept, Sikand, July 2010

4.8 General Plan Consistency Analysis

4.9 Noise Modeling Data

4.10 Traffic Study, Austin-Foust Associates, Inc. April 2011