

The five-member Santa Clarita City Council holds their regular meetings on the second and fourth Tuesday of every month in the City Council Chambers beginning at 6:00 p.m. (Council Meetings are broadcast live on SCV TV channel 20 and on the City’s Website.) The City Council WILL NOT meet the 4th Tuesday in July, the 2nd Tuesday in August or the 4th Tuesday in December. The five-person council designates one of its members to serve as Mayor at the first meeting in December each year. That person chairs the council meetings and has no more and no less voting authority than the other four council members. Members of the public may address the Council on the topic of their choice under Public Participation. Speaker cards must be completed and turned in before Public Participation begins and there is a three minute time limit per person.

City Council Meeting Agendas are posted on the City’s website on the Thursday before a Council Meeting. Results will be available as soon as possible after a Council Meeting. Sign up to be informed via e-mail when agendas and minutes are posted on the City’s Website.

The Council Meeting Recap is posted the day after each meeting.  Adjournments in Memoriam are also posted the day after each meeting.