Council Recap:

June 13, 2017

The following is the recap from the City Council meeting on Tuesday, June 13, 2017:

Highlights of action taken include:

  • Held a public hearing on the proposed Fiscal Year 2017-18 Annual Operating Budget and Capital Improvement Program. 
  • Held a public hearing and adopted a resolution establishing annual adjustments to the schedule of fees and charges for City services.   
  • Directed staff to amend Municipal Code, Chapter 6.02, Manufactured Home Rent Adjustment Procedures.  The first reading for the amendments to Chapter 6.02 will take place at the June 27, 2017 City Council meeting.
  • Appointed Councilmember Bob Kellar to serve on the Santa Clarita Valley Groundwater Sustainability Agency Board.  Additionally, designated Councilmember Laurene Weste to serve as an alternate.

View the entire agenda from the June 13, 2017 meeting.

Approved Meeting Minutes can be accessed here once available.


Regular City Council meetings take place on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month. 

The next regular meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 27, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall.