
Streetlight Maintenance District


The Streetlight Maintenance District (SMD) is responsible for overseeing the operations and maintenance of City-owned Streetlights. Streetlight maintenance services are funded through a blend of assessment revenue and property taxes generated by property owners within the District. The assessments are used for the maintenance, repair, and monitoring of the street lights. New development is required to annex into the Streetlight Maintenance District, as well as all new territories annexing into the City.

Who Performs the Repairs 

In 2018, the City finalized plans to purchase the Streetlight System from Southern California Edison (SCE).  In February of 2019, SCE began transferring ownership of system to the City over the course of four phases.  The City of Santa Clarita is responsible for the maintenance and repairs of street lights throughout Santa Clarita including along residential streets, major thoroughfares, within intersections (commonly known as Highway Safety Lights “HSLs,”) and bridge lighting.

Requesting Streetlight Maintenance  

Residents should report streetlight outages and request installation of streetlight shields at (661) 290-2200 or thru the City’s Resident Service Center.

When requesting repairs, please be prepared to provide the following:

  • Exact location – It is recommended that two addresses be given, e.g., the light is between first address and second address.
  • Cross street – Provide one of the closest cross streets.
  • The problem – The light is always off, the light cycles on and off, the light is on during daytime hours, etc.
  • Your contact information – This is helpful if our City staff has questions or wants to provide you with status information in the event of a delay.
  • Pole tag number – Each pole should have a vertical metal tag with a number imprinted on it. The tag is located facing the street, at or just above eye level. The tag on City owned streetlights has the City seal above the numbers. The tag on SCE owned streetlights lists numbers followed by the letter “E.”
  • Lights located outside of the City limits, or on private roads (developments in gated communities) are not included in the City’s Streetlight Maintenance District, however, staff will make every effort to report outage information to SCE.

Traffic Signal Malfunctions

Click here for contact information to report any other traffic signal malfunctions, power outages, or issues with railroad crossing gates.

Use the City’s Resident Service Center for non-emergency requests.