Juvenile Laws

The following is a partial list of laws pertaining to the activities of juveniles.  It is meant to educate the public.

  • CURFEW: The City of Santa Clarita and the County of Los Angeles have enacted Curfew ordinances for juveniles under the age of 18. The ordinances are enforced between the hours of 10 PM and 6 AM. The ordinances are primarily designed to target juveniles who are clearly loitering with no lawful purpose and does not prohibit Juveniles from engaging in lawful activities such as school related events or reasonable social and cultural activities. If found in violation of the curfew ordinance, the violator is typically given a citation and released to the custody of their parent/guardian. The violator will be required to appear in court with a parent.

  • MOTORIZED SKATEBOARDS: Effective January 1, 2000 motorized skateboards will fall under the scope of “SCOOTER” laws. This means that the rider must be 16 years of age, must wear an approved helmet, and they may only be driven on the right side of the roadway on streets with speed limits no more than 25 mph. They may NOT be driven on sidewalks or on any other street.

  • SKATEBOARDING: While the act of skateboarding is not a crime, trespassing and vandalism are both crimes. The City of Santa Clarita constructed a park for skaters to combat the thousands of dollars in damage annually that skateboards cause to public and private property. Laws associated with skateboarding are trespassing and vandalism. Skating is allowed in parts of the City and County areas, but it is not allowed at places such as:
  • School Campus
  • Public Shopping Centers (where signs are posted)
  • Public Roadways

  •  TRUANCY: The City of Santa Clarita and the County of Los Angeles have ordinances in place to combat truancy. Any minor between the ages of 7 and 18, who have not completed 12th grade is required to attend school. The Sheriff’s Department conducts numerous truancy sweeps throughout the year and returns dozens of truant children to area schools annually. Typically, the student is also given a citation and must appear with his or her parent in juvenile court. The schools also have authority to assign a “Saturday School” to students as they see fit.