As a Teen Court Juror, you are given the opportunity to question the accused offender and his/her parents. Creative questioning is encouraged. Below are some examples of questions which you may want to ask. Some will only apply to certain offenses and they are only intended to be suggestions.
Take your job as juror seriously. Teen Court jurors must be professional, respectful and courteous to all teen offenders and their parents at all times during questioning and sentencing. Jurors are not to discuss court cases outside of court.
Sample questions jurors can ask the accused offender:
- Why did you do it?
- Have you ever done this type of thing before?
- Will you ever do it again? If not, why not?
- Did you act alone? If not, whose idea was it?
- Looking back, what would you have done differently?
- Do you attend school regularly? How are your grades? What if any problems do you have in school?
- What have you learned from this experience?
- What punishment did you receive at home?
- Did you think it was enough, fair, reasonable?
- What punishment do you think you should receive today?
Questions for parents:
- Did you know your son/daughter had this problem?
- Did you punish him/her? If so, what was the punishment?
- Does your son/daughter have problems at school?
How are his/her grades? - Do you know his/her friends?
If so, are there any he/she will be restricted from? - Do you have problems with your son/daughter at home?
- How does you son/daughter respond to your instructions?
- Are there other children in the home? If so, have you had any problem with them?
For offenses related to theft/burglary:
- Did you intend to steal something when you went into the store?
- Did you have money to pay for the merchandise?
- Was the merchandise returned to the store undamaged?
- If property was stolen from a person was it returned or was restitution paid?
- Have you stolen before? If yes, how many times and what did you steal?
- How do you think you would feel if someone stole something from you?
- How do you feel about people that steal?
For offenses related to drug/alcohol use:
- Why did you use drugs/alcohol?
- How often do you use drugs/alcohol?
- Do your friends use drugs/alcohol?
- Do you intend to stop using drugs/alcohol?
- Do you buy drugs from your friends?
- How do you get money to buy drugs/alcohol?
- Have you ever taken money or sold items from your house to buy drugs/alcohol?
- Have you ever tried to stop using drugs/alcohol?
For offenses related to assault/battery:
- Who instigated the incident?
- Who threw the first punch?
- Is this the first time you have ever been in a fight? If not, tell us about the other time(s).
- How long has the problem between you and the other person been going on?
- How could you have resolved the conflict without fighting?
- How will you handle contact with this person in the future?
- Do you have a problem controlling your temper?
For offenses related to vandalism/malicious mischief:
- Did you know the victim/owners of the property?
- Did you do this as a result of conflict with the owner of the property?
- Had you planned to do this or was it a spur of the moment idea?
- Was restitution paid?
What happens during Jury Deliberations?
During the court session after hearing from the teen offender, you and your peers will have the responsibility of discussing and determining a fair and appropriate sentence for the teen offender based on their offense and answers to your questions.
Below are some examples of the sentencing criteria which you may choose to impose. (Please note: All conditions of court supervision will be monitored by and are at the discretion of the judge and court staff to ensure fairness and practicality.)
Sentence Criteria Examples:
- 6 months court supervision.
- Serve as a Teen Court Juror.
- Write an essay/create a video showing what has been learned /impact of choices.
- Letter of Apology(s) to parents and/or victim.
- Pay court fee (Mandatory).
- Youth who committed misdemeanors together may be ordered not to associate with one another during their court supervision period.
- Complete Community Service: 20-120 hours. (Court staff can help determine what this service will entail.)
- Depending on the case, Vital Intervention Directional Alternatives (VIDA), ACTION drug treatment, or some type of counseling or supportive services can be ordered.
Click here to request to be a Teen Court juror: Teen Court Juror Participation Form