Proposed Dockweiler Drive Extension

Overview of the Proposed Dockweiler Drive Extension

The proposed Dockweiler Drive Extension Project is a multi-phased capital improvement project being coordinated by the City of Santa Clarita and The Master’s University to improve circulation and access to the Placerita Canyon and Newhall Communities. The proposed connection and extension of Dockweiler Drive is identified in the Circulation Element of the City’s General Plan as one of the primary east-west arterials through the City of Santa Clarita that would provide a through connection from Sierra Highway to Railroad Avenue.

The Proposed Project would extend Dockweiler Drive from the existing terminus to Railroad Avenue at 13th Street. The Dockweiler Drive extension includes the approved alignment of Dockweiler Drive at The Master’s University campus. In coordination with the proposed Railroad Bike Path project, the new Dockweiler Drive extension will result in creating a vital Complete Street link between the communities to the east of the railroad/ Newhall Creek (including The Master’s University) and Old Town Newhall and Metrolink station. A detailed description of the Proposed Project including specific street improvements is presented in Section 6.4 Alternative 2 (Proposed Alignment to Arch Street Without Lyons At Grade Crossing) of the Draft EIR.

The Proposed Project is currently in design and the City is working with stakeholders, including LA County, SCRRA, Utility Companies, Master’s University and other neighboring developments and property owners.

For questions on this project, please contact:  Carla Callahan, Senior Engineer, at

Addendum to EIR

Final EIR

Notice of Public Hearing

Dockweiler Final EIR 2/14/18 (complete copy)

2018 Notice of Determination


Draft EIR

NOP / Initial Study

Notice of Availability

Dockweiler Draft EIR 08/16/2017 (complete copy)

Technical Appendices