
Frequently Asked Questions

Construction work, which requires a permit, must be conducted Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., and Saturday 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. No construction is to take place on Sunday or recognized City holidays. (SCMC 11.44.080)

Yes, please contact the Community Preservation at (661) 286-4076 to report this activity with our office for investigation. (SCMC 11.12.030)

The Oversized Vehicle Ordinance gives specific instances when it is permissible to park a motorhome on the street. They are:

  • On a public street during the weekend (Saturday and Sunday);
  • For the purpose of, and while being, loaded or unloaded for a maximum period not to exceed 48 consecutive hours in any calendar week (Monday through Friday);
  • For temporary maintenance or emergency repairs not to exceed 48 consecutive hours within any calendar week (Monday through Friday);
  • For the pickup or delivery of goods, and merchandise or;
  • Displaying a current valid State Department of Motor Vehicles issued disabled person license plate.
  • During a State of Emergency declared to exist within the City of Santa Clarita by the City Council. (SCMC 12.94.020)

The City’s Parking Enforcement function is responsible for the enforcement of this code. Fill out an Oversized Vehicle Complaint Form.

To complete a parking permit application, visit the Resident Service Center

No, City streets are public streets and persons are allowed to park in any area deemed appropriate for public parking. However, vehicles must be moved every 72 hours. If you would like to report a vehicle that has not moved in 72 hours, please contact Parking Enforcement at (661) 286-4166. (SCMC 15.44.220.A.12)

Solid waste containers, such as residential containers, that are moved to a collection point to facilitate collection shall be placed for collection no sooner than six p.m. on the day before the regularly scheduled collection day and shall be removed from any location adjacent to a street or right-of-way not later than eight a.m. on the day following the regularly scheduled collection day. No container placed in any front yard or side yard shall be visible from a public street except during collection hours. (SCMC 15.44.405.E.F)

Home-based businesses are allowed in the City under certain conditions and require a Home Occupation Permit  (HOP) prior to operation. When home-based commercial activities affect residential areas in a negative way, the activity may be prohibited. If you are considering operating a home-based business, please call the Planning Division for specific details at (661) 255-4330 or come into the Permit Center located at City Hall in Suite 140. (SCMC 17.03.090)

No, converting your garage into living space is prohibited by the Santa Clarita Municipal Code. Garage areas are only allowed to be modified under certain circumstances and Planning and Building and Safety approvals and permits are required. If you suspect a garage has been converted illegally, please contact the Community Preservation office at (661) 286-4076 to investigate. (SCMC 17.15.020.M.1)

You may have a banner; however, a banner permit must first be obtained through the City’s Planning Division. They can be contacted at (661) 255-4330. Signage placed in the City’s public right-of-way (i.e. sidewalk, street, parkway, median, or alley) is not allowed. (SCMC 17.19.240) (SCMC 11.12.030)

No, the City considers this an encroachment or an impediment upon a highway or public right-of-way (i.e. sidewalk, street, parkway, median, or alley). Basketball hoops may be kept on private property, such as driveways, when in use. (SCMC 23.30.040.M.11)

Yes, any overgrown or dead vegetation is a violation. Please contact Community Preservation at (661) 286-4076 to report a concern. (SCMC 23.30.040.J)

Graffiti on private property (i.e. commercial buildings or residences) and public property (i.e. bridges or sidewalks) falls under the responsibility of the Community Preservation Graffiti Removal function. If you are unsure if the property is public or private, please contact our Graffiti hotline at (661) 25-CLEAN and we will ensure the proper corrective action is taken. (SCMC 23.30.040.G)

No, that is a civil matter. The City will only come out and enforce trimming or removal if the tree is impeding onto the public right-of-way (i.e. sidewalk, street, parkway, median, or alley)or if any portion of the tree is blatantly causing a potential hazardous situation, such as a split trunk or hanging broken limb. (SCMC 23.30.040.J)

Yes, please contact Community Preservation at (661) 286-4076 to report a concern for investigation. Community Preservation will also contact Greater Los Angeles County Vector Control to have their service come out and treat the water for mosquitoes. (SCMC 23.30.040.M.6)

No, inoperable vehicles are not allowed to be in public view, even on private property. Please contact Community Preservation at (661) 286-4076 to report a concern. (SCMC 23.30.040.M.4)

The City contracts with Los Angeles County Animal Care and Control for animal related issues. The local Animal Control office can be reached at (661) 257-3191 or

Contact Community Preservation at (661) 286-4076 if you observe people camping in the river bed or on private property. If you observe suspicious or criminal activity, please contact the Santa Clarita Sheriff Station at (661) 255-1121.

You can contact Community Preservation at (661) 286-4076 or General Services at (661) 294-2500 to request to have the shopping cart removed.

If you believe someone is illegally dumping trash on the sidewalks or streets, please report your concern to Environmental Services at (661) 286-4098 and/or the Santa Clarita Sheriff Station at (661) 255-1121.